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scipy错误:没有名为“ imsave”的模块

[英]Error with scipy: No module named `imsave`

I am using the scipy module's imread and imsave utilities. 我正在使用scipy模块的imreadimsave实用程序。 I get the following error: 我收到以下错误:

No module named imsave . 没有名为imsave模块。

I did a little googling and figured that the error was due to PIL/Pillow not being installed. 我做了一些谷歌搜索,发现错误是由于未安装PIL / Pillow引起的。 I do: 我做:

sudo pip install Pillow.

I get the following message: 我收到以下消息:

Requirement already satisfied: Pillow in /usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages . 已经满足的要求:放在/usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages

I am importing scipy's misc functionality to use the imread and imsave function. 我正在导入scipy的misc功能以使用imread和imsave函数。

    import scipy.misc
    import numpy as np
    I = np.load('image.npy')
    scipy.misc.imsave('test_image.jpg',I) #The error pops up here
    J = scipy.misc.imread('test_image.jpg')

I reinstalled scipy after this. 之后,我重新安装了scipy。 I still get the No module named error. 我仍然收到没有名为错误的模块。

EDIT 1: To make things clear, I uninstalled PIL by following this link . 编辑1:为了清楚起见,我通过点击此链接卸载了PIL。 I then uninstalled scipy. 然后,我卸载了scipy。 But, when I run sudo apt install python-scipy python-pil , it says that pil is already the latest. 但是,当我运行sudo apt install python-scipy python-pil ,它说pil已经是最新的了。 However, it is not in the path /usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-package . 但是,它不在路径/usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-package

EDIT 2: To answer Mark Mikofski's questions: I am using Python from the Terminal. 编辑2:要回答Mark Mikofski的问题:我从终端使用Python。 I run the file from the Terminal. 我从终端运行文件。

    `which python` 

gives me the following output 给我以下输出


Importing sys and doing what you tell gives the list of following outputs: 导入sys并按照您的说明进行操作将给出以下输出列表:


Scipy's version is 0.19.0 Scipy的版本是0.19.0


conda install Pillow

Hi @Raghuram , @Raghuram

Welcome to StackOverflow! 欢迎来到StackOverflow! Thanks you for asking your question, and I hope that you find an answer. 感谢您提出问题,希望您能找到答案。 Here are some links to asking questions from the StackOverflow help center : 以下是一些可从StackOverflow帮助中心提问的链接:

Suggested solution 建议的解决方案

From your answer it appears that you are not using the system Python in /usr/lib/python2.7 and that your packages have been installed using the --prefix installation scheme into /home/raghuram and /home/raghuram/local/ . 从您的答案看来,您没有在/usr/lib/python2.7使用系统Python,并且已使用--prefix安装方案将软件包安装/home/raghuram/home/raghuram/local/

Unfortunately, pip will not use wheels if it gets --install-option so you will have to install BLAS first. 不幸的是,如果获得--install-option ,pip将不会使用轮子,因此您必须先安装BLAS。

$ sudo apt install gfortran libblas-dev liblapack-dev libatlas-dev

Then try to use the --install-option with pip to pass the --prefix option to install. 然后尝试将--install-option与pip一起使用以传递--prefix选项进行安装。

$ pip install --install-option="--prefix=/home/raghuram/" numpy scipy pillow

Another perhaps easier option is to see where your python interpreter thinks site-packages should go. 另一个可能更简单的选择是查看您的python解释器认为站点包应该放在哪里。 To do this, import site and call site.getsitepackages() . 为此,请import site并调用site.getsitepackages() If /home/raghuram is in that list, then chances are you can just call pip from Python as a module using the -m option. 如果/home/raghuram在该列表中,则/home/raghuram可能您可以使用-m选项从Python作为模块调用pip。

$ python -m pip install numpy scipy pillow

Finally, if all else fails, you can fall back on distutils, but this is tricky because you can't mix the scipy/numpy BLAS dependencies. 最后,如果其他所有方法都失败了,则可以依靠distutils,但这很棘手,因为您不能混合scipy / numpy BLAS依赖项。 They can only be either ATLAS, OpenBLAS, MKL, or etc., not a mix. 它们只能是ATLAS,OpenBLAS,MKL等,不能混合使用。 To see what you are using, first import scipy numpy and then call numpy.show_configs() and scipy.show_configs() . 要查看您正在使用什么,请首先import scipy numpy ,然后调用numpy.show_configs()scipy.show_configs() It get's even trickier from here because you need to edit the setup.cfg to tell numpy/scipy where your BLAS is, so let's assume that you can remove both of these and start from scratch. 从这里开始,这变得更加棘手,因为您需要编辑setup.cfg来告诉numpy / scipy您的BLAS在哪里,所以让我们假设您可以删除这两个位置并从头开始。 First install the dependencies from your distro's repo; 首先从发行版的仓库中安装依赖项; I think by default they will always build with ATLAS. 我认为默认情况下,它们将始终使用ATLAS构建。

$ sudo apt install gfortran libblas-dev liblapack-dev libatlas-dev

Then download the numpy and scipy zip files from PyPI and extract. 然后从PyPI下载numpy和scipy zip文件并解压缩。 For each you need to enter the extracted folder and run: 对于每个文件夹,您需要输入解压缩的文件夹并运行:

$ python setup.py install --prefix=~

Now try to use scipy.misc.imsave like their help docstring example 现在尝试像他们的帮助文档字符串示例一样使用scipy.misc.imsave

>>> import numpy as np
>>> from scipy.misc import imsave
>>> help(imsave)  # view docstring
>>> # then hit q key to return to interpreter
>>> x = np.zeros((255, 255))
>>> x = np.zeros((255, 255), dtype=np.uint8)
>>> x[:] = np.arange(255)
>>> imsave('gradient.png', x)    
>>> rgb = np.zeros((255, 255, 3), dtype=np.uint8)
>>> rgb[..., 0] = np.arange(255)
>>> rgb[..., 1] = 55
>>> rgb[..., 2] = 1 - np.arange(255)
>>> imsave('rgb_gradient.png', rgb)

NB : you can always search for Ubuntu packages online or using apt search . 注意 :您始终可以在线或使用apt searchapt search Ubuntu软件包

PS IMO you should probably remove any packages you've installed to system python using sudo pip and IMO never do that again. PS IMO,您可能应该删除使用sudo pip安装到系统python的所有软件包,而IMO再也不会这样做。 Check in /usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages . 检入/usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages

PPS IMHO you should never install Python packages on Linux using sudo , instead either install from the software repository of your distro using apt or yum , install using the pip --user option or create a Python virtual environment with virtualenv . PPS恕我直言,您永远不要使用sudo在Linux上安装Python软件包,而应该使用aptyum从发行版的软件仓库中安装,使用pip --user选项安装或使用virtualenv创建Python虚拟环境。 See my AskUbuntu answer . 看到我的AskUbuntu答案

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