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[英]R plot: manipulating decimal digits on axis and legend size outside the plot

Dearest Community! 亲爱的社区! I have some problem with making my plot perfectly beautiful using R plot. 使用R绘图使我的绘图完美漂亮时,我遇到了一些问题。 I did a lot of research on this topic, but I was not able to solve the last remaining problems (furthermore I am very new to RStudio and coding in general). 我对此主题进行了大量研究,但无法解决最后剩下的问题(此外,我对RStudio和一般编码还很陌生)。 I have this plot plot_example which is created with this code: 我有这个情节plot_example是用下面的代码创建的:

df1 <- read.csv2("df1.csv", header=T, sep=";", dec=".")
el_x1 <- df1$element
el_y1 <- df1$ratio
df2 <- read.csv2("df2.csv", header=T, sep=";", dec=".")
el_x2 <- df2$element
el_y2 <- df2$ratio
df3 <- read.csv2("df3.csv", header=T, sep=";", dec=".")
el_x3 <- df3$element
el_y3 <- df3$ratio
df4 <- read.csv2("df4.csv", header=T, sep=";", dec=".")
el_x4 <- df4$element
el_y4 <- df4$ratio
df5 <- read.csv2("df5.csv", header=T, sep=";", dec=".")
el_x5 <- df5$element
el_y5 <- df5$ratio
df6 <- read.csv2("df6.csv", header=T, sep=";", dec=".")
el_x6 <- df6$element
el_y6 <- df6$ratio
df7 <- read.csv2("df7.csv", header=T, sep=";", dec=".")
el_x7 <- df7$element
el_y7 <- df7$ratio
df8 <- read.csv2("df8.csv", header=T, sep=";", dec=".")
el_x8 <- df8$element
el_y8 <- df8$ratio
df9 <- read.csv2("df9.csv", header=T, sep=";", dec=".")
el_x9 <- df9$element
el_y9 <- df9$ratio
df10 <- read.csv2("df10.csv", header=T, sep=";", dec=".")
el_x10 <- df10$element
el_y10 <- df10$ratio
df11 <- read.csv2("df11.csv", header=T, sep=";", dec=".")
el_x11 <- df11$element
el_y11 <- df11$ratio
par(fin = c (5,5), mar = c(5,5,6,1), xpd = "true")
plot (xlim = c(0.1,250), ylim = c(0.003,4), el_x1, el_y1, log = "xy", xlab = "element (ppm)", ylab = "ratio", pch = 0, cex = 0.7, col = "orange1", las = 1, cex.axis = 1, cex.lab = 1.8, yaxs = "i", xaxs = "i")
points (el_x2, el_y2, pch = 3, cex = 0.7, col = "olivedrab2", las = 1, yaxs = "i", xaxs = "i")
points (el_x3, el_y3, pch = 4, cex = 0.7, col = "darkseagreen1", las = 1, yaxs = "i", xaxs = "i")
points (el_x4, el_y4, pch = 2, cex = 0.7, col = "khaki1", las = 1, yaxs = "i", xaxs = "i")
points (el_x5, el_y5, pch = 1, cex = 0.7, col = "lavender", las = 1, yaxs = "i", xaxs = "i")
points (el_x6, el_y6, pch = 15, cex = 0.7, col = "seagreen", las = 1, yaxs = "i", xaxs = "i")
points (el_x7, el_y7, pch = 15, cex = 1, col = "indianred1", las = 1, yaxs = "i", xaxs = "i")
points (el_x8, el_y8, pch = 16, cex = 1, col = "royalblue1", las = 1, yaxs = "i", xaxs = "i")
points (el_x9, el_y9, pch = 15, cex = 1, col = "red2", las = 1, yaxs = "i", xaxs = "i")
points (el_x10, el_y10, pch = 16, cex = 1, col = "navy", las = 1, yaxs = "i", xaxs = "i")
points (el_x11, el_y11, pch = 16, cex = 1, col = "darkmagenta", las = 1, yaxs = "i", xaxs = "i")
legend ("topright", inset=c(-0.46,0), legend=c("df1verylongname", "df2verylongname", "df3verylongname", "df4verylongname", "df5verylongname", "df6verylongname", "df7verylongname","df8verylongname", "df9verylongname", "df10verylongname", "df11verylongname"), pch=c(0,3,4,2,1,15,15,15,16,16,16), col=c("orange1","olivedrab2","darkseagreen1","khaki1", "lavender", "seagreen", "indianred1", "red2", "royalblue2", "navy", "darkmagenta")) 

Now, I would like to make some modifikations. 现在,我想作一些修改。

  1. (Most important) I have to manipulate the decimal digits on the axes (both). (最重要)我必须操纵两个轴上的小数位。 I want to keep 0.005, but I want to get rid of 50.0 (it should be: 50). 我想保留0.005,但是我想摆脱50.0(应该是:50)。 I am not able yet to manipulate it with "sprintf" correctly. 我还无法使用“ sprintf”正确地操作它。 So how can I remove all .0xxx digits which are not necessary? 那么,如何删除所有不需要的.0xxx数字? Would be nice if there is another solution than manipulating the plot with an picture editing programm... 如果还有其他解决方案,而不是使用图片编辑程序来处理情节,那将是很好的...
  2. Can I adjust the size of the legend to the heigth of the plot? 我可以将图例的大小调整为剧情的高度吗? It should reach from the bottom to the top of the right box side (in this case from y value 0.003 to 4). 它应该从右侧框的底部到顶部(在这种情况下,从y值0.003到4)到达。
  3. Is there another way to place the legend next to the plot than "xpd = true"? 除了“ xpd = true”之外,还有另一种方法可以将图例放置在绘图旁边吗? Because I would like to get rid of some data points which seems to be outliers. 因为我想摆脱一些似乎离群的数据点。 Of course I could adjust the size of the plot or delete the outliers, but it would be way easier if the points outside of the box are not shown in general/like before adding the xpd. 当然,我可以调整图的大小或删除异常值,但是如果框外的点未如一般/在添加xpd之前那样总体上显示出来,则会更容易。
  4. Is there a nice way to get more space between the axes digits and the axes label? 是否有一种很好的方法可以在轴数字和轴标签之间获得更多的空间? It was hard work to get the plot to this size and my attempts to adjust the space destroyed everything, I don't really want to make the axes digits even more smaller... :( :( 要使绘图达到这样的大小非常困难,并且我尝试调整空间会破坏所有内容,我并不是真的想使轴的数字更小... :( :(

Here is a little bit of the input data, I simplified the df to the necessary stuff: 这是一些输入数据,我将df简化为必要的东西:

sample  element ratio
1   0.6175  0.063568046
2   4.678133548 0.008924568
3   3.638120051 0.005707297
4   4.116887372 0.007867378
5   3.090387742 0.059814081
6   10.3098635  0.040600128
7   10.29649952 0.019962218
8   8.241753356 0.012910088
9   26.76850701 0.294731393
10  8.136495793 0.031161747
11  7.993317894 0.021593337
12  10.48361696 0.025802074
13  14.37169851 0.030482194
14  13.19394369 0.032786504
15  3.756483892 0.027182974
16  12.21848391 0.032594756
17  6.560291802 0.049019108
18  10.71912771 0.072430938
19  1.708155726 0.007771124
20  10.0684893  0.054408104
21  16.38043254 0.076730258
22  11.50283707 0.044073631
23  10.11554913 0.064254448
24  13.52364219 0.0707148
25  10.51594695 0.060657727
26  14.51045122 0.07431958
27  16.46248665 0.059498267
28  12.17582522 0.04927026
29  20.83513461 0.059772704
30  18.10278099 0.069570053
31  8.404223175 0.051083018
32  13.96869871 0.069607707
33  9.396932425 0.044899193
34  12.39775022 0.066800258
35  1.625963393 0.009627417
36  16.9934813  0.059799741
37  75.5    0.3775
38  73  0.350961538
39  45.3    0.191949153
40  92.5    0.409292035
41  39.8    0.176106195
42  48.2    0.194354839
43  48.9    0.188076923
44  52.6    0.219166667
45  44.4    0.1734375
46  53.9    0.245
47  168.4   0.559468439
48  165.8   0.587943262
49  87.9    0.412676056
50  99.5    0.328382838
51  105.9   0.318975904
52  172.7   0.579530201
53  190.4   0.602531646
54  206.6   0.586931818
55  101 0.321656051
56  101.8   0.329449838
57  117.7   0.346176471
58  97.9    0.337586207
59  90.5    0.285488959
60  182.1   0.550151057
61  109.9   0.399636364
62  8   0.053619303
63  4.9 0.039294306
64  4.7 0.035768645
65  6.3 0.041888298
66  8.3 0.035698925
67  6.7 0.043733681
68  25.2    0.193548387
69  24.7    0.168600683
70  59.1    0.226610429
71  30.6    0.234303216
72  45.1    0.223710317
73  93.2    0.315611243
74  83.1    0.309151786
75  88.8    0.311360449
76  34.8    0.169014085
77  36.6    0.183550652
79  4.47    0.071565802
80  1.62    0.012413793
81  2.08    0.021010101
82  1.27    0.012330097
83  1.34    0.019705882
84  2.54    0.030274136
85  3.96    0.057641921
86  32.9    0.115438596
87  19.4    0.067595819
88  27.6    0.088461538
89  14.5    0.050699301
90  31  0.096875
91  36.3    0.078232759
92  27.8    0.072395833
93  8.56    0.039447005
94  10.1    0.040239044
95  4.44    0.056060606
96  3.94    0.05317139
97  4.18    0.059123055
98  5.23    0.07568741

Please contact if more input data is needed. 如果需要更多输入数据,请联系。 I would be so happy if someone could help me in this case. 如果有人能在这种情况下帮助我,我会很高兴。 Greetings! 问候!

Here is a solution with ggplot2 . 这是ggplot2的解决方案。 It does not fulfill all of your requirements, because you've provided data for only 1 element, and I didn't fully understand all requirements. 它不能满足您的所有要求,因为您仅提供了1个元素的数据,而我还没有完全理解所有要求。 The axis labels are nonsensical, but you get the idea. 轴标签是荒谬的,但是您明白了。


df <- read.table(stringsAsFactors = FALSE, header = TRUE, text = "sample  element ratio
1   0.6175  0.063568046
2   4.678133548 0.008924568
3   3.638120051 0.005707297
4   4.116887372 0.007867378
5   3.090387742 0.059814081
6   10.3098635  0.040600128
7   10.29649952 0.019962218
8   8.241753356 0.012910088
9   26.76850701 0.294731393
10  8.136495793 0.031161747
11  7.993317894 0.021593337
12  10.48361696 0.025802074
13  14.37169851 0.030482194
14  13.19394369 0.032786504
15  3.756483892 0.027182974
16  12.21848391 0.032594756
17  6.560291802 0.049019108
18  10.71912771 0.072430938
19  1.708155726 0.007771124
20  10.0684893  0.054408104
21  16.38043254 0.076730258
22  11.50283707 0.044073631
23  10.11554913 0.064254448
24  13.52364219 0.0707148
25  10.51594695 0.060657727
26  14.51045122 0.07431958
27  16.46248665 0.059498267
28  12.17582522 0.04927026
29  20.83513461 0.059772704
30  18.10278099 0.069570053
31  8.404223175 0.051083018
32  13.96869871 0.069607707
33  9.396932425 0.044899193
34  12.39775022 0.066800258
35  1.625963393 0.009627417
36  16.9934813  0.059799741
37  75.5    0.3775
38  73  0.350961538
39  45.3    0.191949153
40  92.5    0.409292035
41  39.8    0.176106195
42  48.2    0.194354839
43  48.9    0.188076923
44  52.6    0.219166667
45  44.4    0.1734375
46  53.9    0.245
47  168.4   0.559468439
48  165.8   0.587943262
49  87.9    0.412676056
50  99.5    0.328382838
51  105.9   0.318975904
52  172.7   0.579530201
53  190.4   0.602531646
54  206.6   0.586931818
55  101 0.321656051
56  101.8   0.329449838
57  117.7   0.346176471
58  97.9    0.337586207
59  90.5    0.285488959
60  182.1   0.550151057
61  109.9   0.399636364
62  8   0.053619303
63  4.9 0.039294306
64  4.7 0.035768645
65  6.3 0.041888298
66  8.3 0.035698925
67  6.7 0.043733681
68  25.2    0.193548387
69  24.7    0.168600683
70  59.1    0.226610429
71  30.6    0.234303216
72  45.1    0.223710317
73  93.2    0.315611243
74  83.1    0.309151786
75  88.8    0.311360449
76  34.8    0.169014085
77  36.6    0.183550652
79  4.47    0.071565802
80  1.62    0.012413793
81  2.08    0.021010101
82  1.27    0.012330097
83  1.34    0.019705882
84  2.54    0.030274136
85  3.96    0.057641921
86  32.9    0.115438596
87  19.4    0.067595819
88  27.6    0.088461538
89  14.5    0.050699301
90  31  0.096875
91  36.3    0.078232759
92  27.8    0.072395833
93  8.56    0.039447005
94  10.1    0.040239044
95  4.44    0.056060606
96  3.94    0.05317139
97  4.18    0.059123055
98  5.23    0.07568741")

ggplot(df, aes(element, ratio, fill="Element 1")) +
    geom_point(color="red2") +
    #geom_point(color=factor(1), size=1) 
    coord_cartesian( xlim=c(0, 300), ylim=c(0.0003, 4)) +
    scale_x_continuous(labels=c(0, "hundred", 200, ">=300"), breaks=c(0, 100, 200, 300)) +
    labs(x = "X axis", y = "Y axis (ratio/ppm)", fill = "Elements") +
    theme_minimal() +
    theme(#legend.position = "right", 
          legend.position = c(0.05, 0.95), 
          legend.justification = c(0.05, 0.95),
          axis.title.x = element_text(color="black", hjust = 0),
          axis.title.y = element_text(color="black", hjust = 0))


I can't really address items 2 through 4. However, the key to item 1 is creating the labels with signif and creating custom axes with axis . 我无法真正解决项目2到4。但是,项目1的关键是使用signif创建标签,并使用axis创建自定义轴。

First some sample data that spans several orders of magnitude: 首先,一些样本数据跨越几个数量级:

x <- 10^(rnorm(30))
y <- 10^(rnorm(30))

Next choose where you want the axis ticks to lie and set up a vector to contain the labels. 接下来,选择要让轴刻度线位于的位置,并设置一个包含标签的向量。

tick_pos <- c(.03, .1, .3, 1, 3, 10, 30, 100, 300)
tick_lbl <- character(length(tick_pos))

Then calculate the appropriate label from the tick positions: 然后从刻度位置计算适当的标签:

for (i in seq_along(tick_pos)) {
  tick_lbl[i] <- signif(tick_pos[i], 1)

Note that you can't just pass entire tick_pos vector into signif since the function forces the result to use a single format. 请注意,您不能将整个tick_pos向量传递给signif因为该函数会强制结果使用单一格式。

> signif(tick_pos, 1)
[1] 3e-02 1e-01 3e-01 1e+00 3e+00 1e+01 3e+01 1e+02 3e+02

Finally, create the plot without axes, add the custom axes, and then a frame: 最后,创建没有轴的图,添加自定义轴,然后添加框架:

plot(x, y, log = 'xy', axes = FALSE)
axis(1, labels = tick_lbl, at = tick_pos)
axis(2, labels = tick_lbl, at = tick_pos)


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