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[英]Objects within functions not found

I recently updated to R 3.4.0 and I am running Linux Mint 17.1. 我最近更新到R 3.4.0,并且正在运行Linux Mint 17.1。 When I first updated R everything worked fine (I think). 当我第一次更新R时,一切正常(我认为)。 Now many basic functions from different packages fail. 现在,来自不同软件包的许多基本功能失败了。 In every case it appear that the function calls another function internally but then can not find the temporary object that was created. 在每种情况下,该函数似乎都在内部调用另一个函数,但是找不到已创建的临时对象。 Here is an example: 这是一个例子:

   > library(nlme)
   > fm1 <- gnls(weight ~ SSlogis(Time, Asym, xmid, scal), Soybean, weights = varPower())
   Error: object 'fit_gnls' not found

The exact same error occurs for many functions from many packages and I am stuck. 对于来自许多软件包的许多功能,会发生完全相同的错误,我被困住了。 Any suggestions would be welcomed. 任何建议都将受到欢迎。 I did try a complete reinstall of R, with no effect. 我确实尝试过完全重新安装R,但没有任何效果。

It turns out that there were updated versions of many packages available but the "update packages" button in Rstudio was telling me that they were all up to date. 事实证明,有许多可用软件包的更新版本,但是Rstudio中的“更新软件包”按钮告诉我它们都是最新的。 I ran update.packages() and all is working again. 我运行了update.packages(),一切都再次正常运行。

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