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[英]Functions Causing Objects to Disappear

This is a very strange situation that I've come across. 我遇到过这种非常奇怪的情况。 Basically, I'm trying to fit a cumulative distribution function to the G function of my data. 基本上,我正在尝试将累积分布函数拟合到数据的G函数。 After doing so, I want to plot the the model and the original data, and output this as PDF. 这样做之后,我想绘制模型和原始数据,并将其输出为PDF。 I'll allow the code to explain (simply copy and paste): 我将允许代码进行解释(只需复制并粘贴):



mydata <- swedishpines

mydata.Gest <- Gest(mydata)

Gvalues <- mydata.Gest$rs

count <- (which(Gvalues == 1))[1]

new_r <- seq(1/count, length(Gvalues)/count, by = 1/count)

GvsR_dataframe <- data.frame(G <- Gvalues, R <- new_r)

themodel <- suppressWarnings(nls(G ~ pnorm(R, mean, sd), data = GvsR_dataframe, start = list(mean=0.4, sd=0.2), trace = FALSE))

pdf(file = "ModelPlot.pdf")

plot(mydata.Gest, cbind(rs, theo) ~ new_r, lty = c(1, 2), col = c("black", "red"), xlim = c(0, max(new_r)), ylim = c(0,1), main = paste("Model-fitting for G Function \n Mean = ",as.numeric(coef(themodel)[1]),"\n Standard Deviation = ",as.numeric(coef(themodel)[2]), sep=''), ylab = "G(r)", xlab = "Distance Between Particles (r)", legend = NULL)
lines(new_r, predict(themodel), lty = 2, col = "blue")
legend("bottomright", c("CSR", "Swedish Pines", "Normal Probability \n Density Function"), lty = c(2, 4, 1, 2), col = c("red", "black", "blue"), bg = 'grey', border = 'black')


The above code works perfectly. 上面的代码工作完美。

Now for the strange part. 现在说到奇怪的部分。

When I encapsulate all of the commands after mydata <- swedishpines as a function, and cause mydata to be an input to this function, it doesn't work any longer. 当我将所有命令封装在mydata <- swedishpines作为函数,并导致mydata作为该函数的输入时,它将不再起作用。 The following code should perform just as the last segment of code did, but it does not. 下面的代码像最后一段代码一样执行,但不会。



mydata <- swedishpines

ModelFit <- function(mydata) {

mydata.Gest <- Gest(mydata)

Gvalues <- mydata.Gest$rs

count <- (which(Gvalues == 1))[1]

new_r <- seq(1/count, length(Gvalues)/count, by = 1/count)

GvsR_dataframe <- data.frame(G <- Gvalues, R <- new_r)

themodel <- suppressWarnings(nls(G ~ pnorm(R, mean, sd), data = GvsR_dataframe, start = list(mean=0.4, sd=0.2), trace = FALSE))

pdf(file = "ModelPlot.pdf")

plot(mydata.Gest, cbind(rs, theo) ~ new_r, lty = c(1, 2), col = c("black", "red"), xlim = c(0, max(new_r)), ylim = c(0,1), main = paste("Model-fitting for G Function \n Mean = ",as.numeric(coef(themodel)[1]),"\n Standard Deviation = ",as.numeric(coef(themodel)[2]), sep=''), ylab = "G(r)", xlab = "Distance Between Particles (r)", legend = NULL)
lines(new_r, predict(themodel), lty = 2, col = "blue")
legend("bottomright", c("CSR", "Swedish Pines", "Normal Probability \n Density Function"), lty = c(2, 4, 1, 2), col = c("red", "black", "blue"), bg = 'grey', border = 'black')




The following error occurs: 发生以下错误:

Error in eval(expr, envir, enclos) : object 'new_r' not found

I'm VERY confused. 我很困惑。 I've been working on this for a long time, and just could not come up with a solution to this problem. 我已经为此工作了很长时间,但无法解决这个问题。 The PDF is outputted, but it is corrupt, and will not open. PDF已输出,但已损坏,无法打开。 I have no idea why new_r 'disappears', but in doing so, it causes all of the plotting operations to halt. 我不知道为什么new_r “消失”,但是这样做会导致所有绘图操作停止。 Obviously new_r is local to the function ModelFit , but it almost seems as though it's local to certain areas in the function, as well. 显然, new_r是函数ModelFit局部ModelFit ,但似乎也似乎是函数的某些区域的局部变量。

Any help would be greatly appreciated. 任何帮助将不胜感激。

You're doing a lot of implicit stuff in there... I would suggest writing things more explicitly. 您在其中做很多隐式的事情……我建议您更明确地编写事情。

Specifically, mydata.Gest$r <- new_r then replace new_r with r in your plot formula, plot(..., cbind(rs, theo) ~ r, ...) . 具体来说, mydata.Gest$r <- new_r然后在绘图公式plot(..., cbind(rs, theo) ~ r, ...)中用r替换new_r That works for me. 这对我行得通。 Not sure why it works outside of a function and not inside, but relying on plot to look outside the local scope of mydata.Gest for new_r is risky. 不确定为什么它不能在函数外部而不是内部运行,而是依靠plotmydata.Gest的本地范围之外查找mydata.Gestnew_r是有风险的。

Also, use = to assign things to columns in a data frame rather than <- 同样,使用=将内容分配给数据帧中的列,而不是<-

From a clean session: 从干净的会话中:

data.frame(x<-1:10, y<- 1:10)


data.frame(x=1:10, y=1:10)

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