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[英]bash: read multi-line string into multiple variables

How can I assign a newline-separated string with eg three lines to three variables ?如何将一个以换行符分隔的字符串(例如三行)分配给三个变量?

# test string
s='line 01
line 02
line 03'

# this doesn't seem to make any difference at all

# first naive attempt
read a b c <<< "${s}"

# this prints 'line 01||':
# everything after the first newline is dropped
echo "${a}|${b}|${c}"

# second attempt, remove quotes
read a b c <<< ${s}

# this prints 'line 01 line 02 line 03||':
# everything is assigned to the first variable
echo "${a}|${b}|${c}"

# third attempt, add -r
read -r a b c <<< ${s}

# this prints 'line 01 line 02 line 03||':
# -r switch doesn't seem to make a difference
echo "${a}|${b}|${c}"

# fourth attempt, re-add quotes
read -r a b c <<< "${s}"

# this prints 'line 01||':
# -r switch doesn't seem to make a difference
echo "${a}|${b}|${c}"

I also tried using echo ${s} | read abc我也试过使用echo ${s} | read abc echo ${s} | read abc instead of <<< , but couldn't get that to work either. echo ${s} | read abc而不是<<< ,但也无法使其正常工作。

Can this be done in bash at all ?这可以在 bash 中完成吗?

read default input delimiter is \\n读取默认输入分隔符是\\n

{ read a; read b; read c;} <<< "${s}"

-d char : allows to specify another input delimiter -d char : 允许指定另一个输入分隔符

For example is there is no character SOH (1 ASCII) in input string例如,输入字符串中没有字符 SOH (1 ASCII)

IFS=$'\n' read -r -d$'\1' a b c <<< "${s}"

We set IFS to $'\\n' because IFS default value is :我们将IFS设置为$'\\n'因为 IFS 默认值为:

$ printf "$IFS" | hd -c
00000000  20 09 0a                                          | ..|
0000000      \t  \n                                                    

EDIT: -d can take a null argument the space is mandatory between -d and null argument:编辑: -d 可以采用空参数 -d 和空参数之间的空格是强制性的:

IFS=$'\n' read -r -d '' a b c <<< "${s}"

The read builtin documentation is available by typing help read at the bash prompt.通过在 bash 提示符下键入help read可以获得read内置文档。

EDIT: after comment about a solution for any number of lines编辑:在评论任意多行的解决方案之后

function read_n {
    local i s n line
    for ((i=0;i<n;i+=1)); do
        IFS= read -r line
    done <<< "${s}"

read_n 10 "a${nl}b${nl}c${nl}d${nl}e${nl}f${nl}g${nl}h${nl}i${nl}j${nl}k${nl}l"

printf "'%s'\n" "${arr[@]}"

You are looking for the readarray command, not read .您正在寻找readarray命令,而不是read

readarray -t lines <<< "$s"

(Theoretically, $s does not need to be quoted here. Unless you are using bash 4.4 or later, I would quote it anyway, due to some bugs in previous versions of bash .) (理论上,这里不需要引用$s 。除非您使用的是bash 4.4 或更高版本,否则我会引用它,因为bash以前版本中存在一些错误。)

Once the lines are in an array, you can assign the separate variables if you need to一旦行在数组中,您可以根据需要分配单独的变量


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