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如何从DirectXTK(ToolKit)DirectX :: Model类获取所有顶点坐标以用于碰撞检测

[英]How to get all vertex cordinates from DirectXTK (ToolKit) DirectX::Model class to use for collision detection

I'm, doing some basic rendering with DirectXToolKit and I would like to be able to get the vertex coordinates for each model in order to compute collisions between models. 我正在使用DirectXToolKit做一些基本的渲染,我希望能够获取每个模型的顶点坐标,以便计算模型之间的碰撞。

currently, I have some test code to load the model, but the ID3D11Buffer loads internally using CreateFromSDKMESH 当前,我有一些测试代码可以加载模型,但是ID3D11Buffer内部使用CreateFromSDKMESH加载

void Model3D::LoadSDKMESH(ID3D11Device* p_device, ID3D11DeviceContext* device_context, const wchar_t* file_mesh)
    mAlpha = 1.0f;
    mTint = DirectX::Colors::White.v;

    mStates.reset(new DirectX::CommonStates(p_device));
    auto fx = new DirectX::EffectFactory(p_device);
    mBatch.reset(new DirectX::PrimitiveBatch<DirectX::VertexPositionColor>(device_context));

    mBatchEffect.reset(new DirectX::BasicEffect(p_device));
        void const* shaderByteCode;
        size_t byteCodeLength;

        mBatchEffect->GetVertexShaderBytecode(&shaderByteCode, &byteCodeLength);

            shaderByteCode, byteCodeLength,

    mModel = DirectX::Model::CreateFromSDKMESH(p_device, file_mesh, *mFxFactory);

I know there is a way to get vertexes from the ID3D11Buffer , answered here: How to read vertices from vertex buffer in Direct3d11 我知道有一种方法可以从ID3D11Buffer获取顶点,在这里回答: 如何从Direct3d11中的顶点缓冲区读取顶点

But they suggest not loading from GPU memory. 但是他们建议不要从GPU内存中加载。 So I assume it's better to load vertices ahead of time into a separate container. 因此,我认为最好事先将顶点加载到单独的容器中。

I looked into CreateFromSDKMESH and there are a few functions that are publicly accessible without making changes to XTK 我调查了CreateFromSDKMESH ,有一些函数可以公开访问而无需更改XTK

In order to get Vertices while loading a model, replace the line mModel = DirectX::Model::CreateFromSDKMESH(p_device, file_mesh, *mFxFactory); 为了在加载模型时获得顶点,请替换行mModel = DirectX::Model::CreateFromSDKMESH(p_device, file_mesh, *mFxFactory); in the question above with: 在上面的问题中:

size_t data_size = 0;
std::unique_ptr<uint8_t[]> v_data;
HRESULT hr = DirectX::BinaryReader::ReadEntireFile(file_mesh, v_data, &data_size);
if (FAILED(hr))
    DirectX::DebugTrace("CreateFromSDKMESH failed (%08X) loading '%ls'\n", hr, file_mesh);
    throw std::exception("CreateFromSDKMESH");
uint8_t* mesh_data = v_data.get();
mModel = DirectX::Model::CreateFromSDKMESH(p_device, v_data.get(), data_size, *mFxFactory, false, false);
mModel->name = file_mesh;
auto v_header = reinterpret_cast<const DXUT::SDKMESH_HEADER*>(mesh_data);
auto vb_array = reinterpret_cast<const DXUT::SDKMESH_VERTEX_BUFFER_HEADER*>(mesh_data + v_header->VertexStreamHeadersOffset);

if(v_header->NumVertexBuffers < 1)
    throw std::exception("Vertex Buffers less than 1");
auto& vertex_header = vb_array[0];
uint64_t buffer_data_offset = v_header->HeaderSize + v_header->NonBufferDataSize;
uint8_t* buffer_data = mesh_data + buffer_data_offset;  
auto verts_pairs = reinterpret_cast<std::pair<Vector3,Vector3>*>(buffer_data + (vertex_header.DataOffset - buffer_data_offset));

There, accessing a coordinate should be as simple as 在那里,访问坐标应该很简单

float x = verts_pairs[0].first.x; and the total number of vertices is stored in 顶点总数存储在


Dont forget that after loading the vertex buffer gets deleted, so you may want to do something like: 不要忘记,在加载顶点缓冲区后,该缓冲区将被删除,因此您可能需要执行以下操作:

memcpy(vertexBuffer, reinterpret_cast<std::pair<Vector3,Vector3>*>(buffer_data + (vertex_header.DataOffset - buffer_data_offset)), vertexCnt);

Also, vertex buffer doesn't get transformed with draw functions, so you will need to do transforms yourselves 此外,顶点缓冲区不会通过绘制函数进行转换,因此您需要自己进行转换

Thanks, 谢谢,

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