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Pandas:将 TSV 读入 DataFrame

[英]Pandas: Reading TSV into DataFrame

I'm using Python 2.7 and have a TSV formatted as follows (368 rows × 3 columns):我正在使用 Python 2.7,并且 TSV 的格式如下(368 行 × 3 列):

date    dayOfWeek    pageviews
2016    4            3920

I have a Jupyter notebook saved in the same location as the TSV.我有一个 Jupyter 笔记本保存在与 TSV 相同的位置。 I'm running this code:我正在运行这段代码:

import pandas as pd

I get back a dataframe that's 736 rows × 3 columns and filled with NaNs.我得到了一个 736 行 × 3 列并填充了 NaN 的数据框。 It's interesting too, because I should have only 368 rows (exactly half of what I do have).这也很有趣,因为我应该只有 368 行(正好是我的一半)。

Any idea what's going on here?知道这里发生了什么吗?



In csv files comma is the separator.csv文件中,逗号是分隔符。 For tsv files, the tab character will separate each field.对于tsv文件,制表符将分隔每个字段。 pandas according to separator can recognize and separate columns. pandas根据分隔符可以识别和分隔列。

import pandas as pd

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