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scipy distance_transform_edt函数如何工作?

[英]How does the scipy distance_transform_edt function work?

https://docs.scipy.org/doc/scipy-0.14.0/reference/generated/scipy.ndimage.morphology.distance_transform_edt.html https://docs.scipy.org/doc/scipy-0.14.0/reference/generated/scipy.ndimage.morphology.distance_transform_edt.html

I'm having trouble understanding how the Euclidean distance transform function works in Scipy. 我无法理解欧几里德距离变换函数在Scipy中是如何工作的。 From what I understand, it is different than the Matlab function (bwdist). 据我所知,它与Matlab函数(bwdist)不同。 As an example, for the input: 作为一个例子,输入:

[[ 0.  0.  0.  0.  0.]
 [ 0.  1.  0.  0.  0.]
 [ 0.  0.  0.  0.  0.]
 [ 0.  0.  0.  1.  0.]
 [ 0.  0.  0.  0.  0.]]

The scipy.ndimage.distance_transform_edt function returns the same array: scipy.ndimage.distance_transform_edt函数返回相同的数组:

[[ 0.  0.  0.  0.  0.]
 [ 0.  1.  0.  0.  0.]
 [ 0.  0.  0.  0.  0.]
 [ 0.  0.  0.  1.  0.]
 [ 0.  0.  0.  0.  0.]]

But the matlab function returns this: 但matlab函数返回:

1.4142    1.0000    1.4142    2.2361    3.1623
1.0000         0    1.0000    2.0000    2.2361
1.4142    1.0000    1.4142    1.0000    1.4142
2.2361    2.0000    1.0000         0    1.0000
3.1623    2.2361    1.4142    1.0000    1.4142

which makes more sense, as it is returning the "distance" to the nearest one. 这更有意义,因为它将“距离”返回到最近的那个。

It is not clear from the docstring, but distance_transform_edt computes the distance from non-zero (ie non-background) points to the nearest zero (ie background) point. 从文档字符串中不清楚,但distance_transform_edt计算从非零(即非背景)点到最近的零(即背景)点的距离。

For example: 例如:

In [42]: x
array([[0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1],
       [0, 1, 1, 1, 0, 1, 1, 1],
       [0, 1, 1, 1, 0, 1, 1, 1],
       [0, 0, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1]])

In [43]: np.set_printoptions(precision=3)  # Easier to read the result with fewer digits.

In [44]: distance_transform_edt(x)
array([[ 0.   ,  0.   ,  0.   ,  0.   ,  0.   ,  1.   ,  2.   ,  3.   ],
       [ 0.   ,  1.   ,  1.   ,  1.   ,  0.   ,  1.   ,  2.   ,  2.236],
       [ 0.   ,  1.   ,  1.414,  1.   ,  0.   ,  1.   ,  1.   ,  1.414],
       [ 0.   ,  0.   ,  1.   ,  1.   ,  0.   ,  0.   ,  0.   ,  1.   ]])

You can get the equivalent of Matlab's bwdist(a) by applying distance_transform_edt() to np.logical_not(a) (ie invert the foreground and background): 您可以通过将distance_transform_edt()应用于np.logical_not(a) (即反转前景和背景)来获得相当于Matlab的bwdist(a) ):

In [71]: a
array([[ 0.,  0.,  0.,  0.,  0.],
       [ 0.,  1.,  0.,  0.,  0.],
       [ 0.,  0.,  0.,  0.,  0.],
       [ 0.,  0.,  0.,  1.,  0.],
       [ 0.,  0.,  0.,  0.,  0.]])

In [72]: distance_transform_edt(np.logical_not(a))
array([[ 1.414,  1.   ,  1.414,  2.236,  3.162],
       [ 1.   ,  0.   ,  1.   ,  2.   ,  2.236],
       [ 1.414,  1.   ,  1.414,  1.   ,  1.414],
       [ 2.236,  2.   ,  1.   ,  0.   ,  1.   ],
       [ 3.162,  2.236,  1.414,  1.   ,  1.414]])

Warren has already explained how distance_transform_edt works. 沃伦已经解释了distance_transform_edt工作原理。 In your case,you could change sampling units along x and y 在您的情况下,您可以沿x和y更改采样单位

array([[ 0.,  0.,  0.,  0.,  0.],
       [ 0.,  1.,  0.,  0.,  0.],
       [ 0.,  0.,  0.,  0.,  0.],
       [ 0.,  0.,  0.,  1.,  0.],
       [ 0.,  0.,  0.,  0.,  0.]])


>>> ndimage.distance_transform_edt(a, sampling=[2,2])
array([[ 0.,  0.,  0.,  0.,  0.],
       [ 0.,  2.,  0.,  0.,  0.],
       [ 0.,  0.,  0.,  0.,  0.],
       [ 0.,  0.,  0.,  2.,  0.],
       [ 0.,  0.,  0.,  0.,  0.]])

Or 要么

ndimage.distance_transform_edt(a, sampling=[3,3])
array([[ 0.,  0.,  0.,  0.,  0.],
       [ 0.,  3.,  0.,  0.,  0.],
       [ 0.,  0.,  0.,  0.,  0.],
       [ 0.,  0.,  0.,  3.,  0.],
       [ 0.,  0.,  0.,  0.,  0.]])

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