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OpenCV C ++创建可重用的关键点和描述符集,以缝合多个图像

[英]OpenCV C++ create reusable set of keypoints and descriptors for stitching multiple images

I have created a program that can stitch multiple images together and am now looking to improve the efficiency of it. 我创建了一个程序,可以将多个图像拼接在一起,现在正在寻求提高其效率。 Depending on the size of the stitched image, eventually it is to large and contains too many keypoints that the machine runs out of allocatable memory. 根据缝合图像的大小,最终图像会很大,并且包含过多的关键点,导致计算机用尽了可分配的内存。 To compensate for this my goal is to store all the keypoints and descriptors as they are found so that I don't need to find them again in the master stitched image and only need to find them in the new image being stitched. 为了弥补这一点,我的目标是在找到所有关键点和描述符时将它们存储起来,这样我就不需要在主缝合图像中再次找到它们,而只需在要缝合的新图像中找到它们。 I had this process working in python but haven't had the same luck in C++. 我在python中有这个过程,但是在C ++中却没有同样的运气。 In order to do this I need to perform a perspectiveTransform() on the keypoints and therefor convert them from vector<keypoint> to vector<point2f> and back to vector<keypoint> . 为了做到这一点,我需要执行perspectiveTransform()的关键点和为此它们转换vector<keypoint>vector<point2f>和回vector<keypoint> I have been able to achieve this and can confirm it works (pick to follow). 我已经能够实现这一目标,并且可以确认它是否有效(请选择以下步骤)。 I am not sure if the same process needs to be done to the descriptors (currently I have don it but either its wrong or not effective). 我不确定是否需要对描述符执行相同的过程 (当前我已经这样做了 ,但是它是错误的还是无效的)。

Issue: When I run this the keypoints and descriptors don't appear to work and I throw an error I created being: "Not enough matches found" even though I know at least the keypoints are making its way to the function. 问题:运行此命令时,关键点和描述符似乎无法正常工作,并且抛出了一个错误,即我创建了一个错误:“找不到足够的匹配项”,尽管我至少知道关键点正在逐步实现该功能。

Here is the code for the keypoint and descriptor transforms. 这是关键点和描述符转换的代码。 The code first calculates the warpPerspective to be applied to image one as homography will warp the second image only. 该代码首先计算warpPerspective,因为单应性只会使第二张图像变形。 The rest of the codd deals with keypoints and descriptors. 其余的代码涉及关键点和描述符。

tuple<Mat, vector<KeyPoint>, Mat>  stitchMatches(Mat image1,Mat image2, Mat homography, vector<KeyPoint> kp1, vector<KeyPoint> kp2 , Mat desc1, Mat desc2){
    Mat result, destination, descriptors_updated;
    vector<Point2f> fourPoint;
    vector<KeyPoint> keypoints_updated;

    //-Get the four corners of the first image (master)
    fourPoint.push_back(Point2f (0,0));
    fourPoint.push_back(Point2f (image1.size().width,0));
    fourPoint.push_back(Point2f (0, image1.size().height));
    fourPoint.push_back(Point2f (image1.size().width, image1.size().height));
    //perspectiveTransform(Mat(fourPoint), destination, homography);

    //- Get points used to determine Htr
    double min_x, min_y, tam_x, tam_y;
    float min_x1, min_x2, min_y1, min_y2, max_x1, max_x2, max_y1, max_y2;
    min_x1 = min(fourPoint.at(0).x, fourPoint.at(1).x);
    min_x2 = min(fourPoint.at(2).x, fourPoint.at(3).x);
    min_y1 = min(fourPoint.at(0).y, fourPoint.at(1).y);
    min_y2 = min(fourPoint.at(2).y, fourPoint.at(3).y);
    max_x1 = max(fourPoint.at(0).x, fourPoint.at(1).x);
    max_x2 = max(fourPoint.at(2).x, fourPoint.at(3).x);
    max_y1 = max(fourPoint.at(0).y, fourPoint.at(1).y);
    max_y2 = max(fourPoint.at(2).y, fourPoint.at(3).y);
    min_x = min(min_x1, min_x2);
    min_y = min(min_y1, min_y2);
    tam_x = max(max_x1, max_x2);
    tam_y = max(max_y1, max_y2);

    //- Htr use to map image one to result in line with the alredy warped image 1
    Mat Htr = Mat::eye(3,3,CV_64F);
    if (min_x < 0){
        tam_x = image2.size().width - min_x;
        Htr.at<double>(0,2)= -min_x;
    if (min_y < 0){
        tam_y = image2.size().height - min_y;
        Htr.at<double>(1,2)= -min_y;

    result = Mat(Size(tam_x*2,tam_y*2), CV_8UC3,cv::Scalar(0,0,0));
    warpPerspective(image2, result, Htr, result.size(), INTER_LINEAR, BORDER_TRANSPARENT,   0);
    warpPerspective(image1, result, (Htr*homography), result.size(), INTER_LINEAR, BORDER_TRANSPARENT,0);

    //-- Variables to hold the keypoints at the respective stages
    vector<Point2f> kp1Local,kp2Local;
    vector<KeyPoint> kp1updated, kp2updated;

    //Localize the keypoints to allow for perspective change
    KeyPoint::convert(kp1, kp1Local);
    KeyPoint::convert(kp2, kp2Local);

    //perform persepctive transform on the keypoints of type vector<point2f>
    perspectiveTransform(kp1Local, kp1Local, (Htr));
    perspectiveTransform(kp2Local, kp2Local, (Htr*homography));

    //convert keypoints back to type vector<keypoint>
    for( size_t i = 0; i < kp1Local.size(); i++ ) {
        kp1updated.push_back(KeyPoint(kp1Local[i], 1.f));
    for( size_t i = 0; i < kp2Local.size(); i++ ) {
        kp2updated.push_back(KeyPoint(kp2Local[i], 1.f));

    //Add to master of list of keypoints to be passed along during next iteration of image
    keypoints_updated.reserve(kp1updated.size() + kp2updated.size());

    //WarpPerspective of decriptors to match that of the images and cooresponding keypoints
    Mat desc1New, desc2New;
    warpPerspective(desc2, desc2New, Htr, result.size(), INTER_LINEAR, BORDER_TRANSPARENT,   0);
    warpPerspective(desc1, desc1New, (Htr*homography), result.size(), INTER_LINEAR, BORDER_TRANSPARENT,0);

    //create a new Mat including the descriports from desc1 and desc2

    //------------TEST TO see if keypoints have moved

    Mat img_keypoints;
    drawKeypoints( result, keypoints_updated, img_keypoints, Scalar::all(-1), DrawMatchesFlags::DEFAULT );

    imshow("Keypoints 1", img_keypoints );

    return {result, keypoints_updated, descriptors_updated};

The following code is my master stitching program that does the actual stitching. 以下代码是我的主拼接程序,用于执行实际的拼接。

tuple<Mat,vector<KeyPoint>,Mat> stitch(Mat img1,Mat img2 ,vector<KeyPoint> keypoints, Mat descriptors, String featureDetection,String featureExtractor,String keypointsMatcher,String showMatches){

    Mat desc, desc1, desc2, homography, result, croppedResult,descriptors_updated;
    std::vector<KeyPoint> keypoints_updated, kp1, kp2;
    std::vector<DMatch> matches;
    //-Base Case[2]
    if (keypoints.empty()){

        //-Detect Keypoints and their descriptors
        tie(kp1,desc1) = KeyPointDescriptor(img1, featureDetection,featureExtractor);
        tie(kp2,desc2) = KeyPointDescriptor(img2, featureDetection,featureExtractor);

        //Find matches and calculated homography based on keypoints and descriptors
        std::tie(matches,homography) = matchFeatures(kp1,  desc1,kp2, desc2, keypointsMatcher);
        //draw matches if requested
        if(showMatches == "true"){
            drawMatchedImages( img1, kp1, img2, kp2, matches);
        //stitch the images and update the keypoint and descriptors
        std::tie(result,keypoints_updated,descriptors_updated) = stitchMatches(img1, img2, homography,kp1,kp2,desc1,desc2);
        //crop function using created cropping function
        croppedResult = crop(result);
        return {croppedResult,keypoints_updated,descriptors_updated};


    //base case[3:n]

        //Get keypoints and descriptors of new image and add to respective lists
        tie(kp2,desc2) = KeyPointDescriptor(img2, featureDetection,featureExtractor);

        //find matches and determine homography
        std::tie(matches,homography) = matchFeatures(keypoints_updated,descriptors_updated,kp2,desc2, keypointsMatcher);
        //draw matches if requested
        if(showMatches == "true")
            drawMatchedImages( img1, keypoints, img2, kp2, matches);

        //stitch the images and update the keypoint and descriptors
        tie(result,keypoints_updated,descriptors_updated) = stitchMatches(img1, img2, homography,keypoints,kp2,descriptors,desc2);
        //crop function using created cropping function
        croppedResult = crop(result);
        return {croppedResult,keypoints_updated,descriptors_updated};

Lastly here is the image of the keypoints that are being transformed onto the stitched image. 最后是要转换为缝合图像的关键点图像。 Any help is so greatly appreciated! 任何帮助都非常感谢!



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