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[英]Delete matches in OpenCV (Keypoints and descriptors)

I want to check a scene image against two train images. 我想对照两个火车图像检查场景图像。 For that, I detect features and compute descriptors of both training images. 为此,我检测了特征并计算了两个训练图像的描述符。 Before detecting, computing and matching the scene image, I will delete all matches of train1 and train2. 在检测,计算和匹配场景图像之前,我将删除train1和train2的所有匹配项。 Because these matches won't facilitate the matching of the scene image with train1 and train2. 因为这些匹配将不便于将场景图像与train1和train2进行匹配。

So, I match train1 with train2 and get a vector of the matches with the trainIdx and queryIdx. 因此,我将train1与train2匹配,并使用trainIdx和queryIdx获得匹配的向量。 But how can I delete these matches in the keypoints-vector and the descriptor matrix of train1 and train2? 但是,如何删除关键点向量以及train1和train2的描述符矩阵中的这些匹配项?

Best regards, dwi 最好的问候,DWI

I would have done like below: 我会做如下:

std::vector<cv::KeyPoint> keypoints[2];
cv::Mat descriptor[2];
std::vector< cv::DMatch > matches;

      Write code to generate the keypoints, descriptors and matches here...
      keypoint[0] -> Train Image 1 keypoints
      keypoint[1] -> Train Image 2 keypoints
      descriptor[0] -> Train Image 1 descriptors
      descriptor[1] -> Train Image 2 descriptors
      matches -> matched between train image 1 and 2


// Logic to keep unmatched keypoints and corresponding descriptors
for (int idx = 0; idx < 2; idx++) {
    std::vector<bool> isMatched(keypoints[idx].size(), false);

    // Mark all matched keypoint as true
    for (int i = 0; i < matches.size(); i++) {
        if (idx == 0) {
            isMatched[matches[i].queryIdx] = true;
        else {
            isMatched[matches[i].trainIdx] = true;

    std::vector<cv::KeyPoint>::const_iterator itr = keypoints[idx].begin();

    // New descriptor length will be old descriptor length minus matched keypoints size
    int descriptor_length = keypoints[idx].size() - matches.size();

    // Create temporary descriptor of new descriptor length
    cv::Mat tempDescriptor(descriptor_length, descriptor[idx].cols, descriptor[idx].depth());
    int count = 0;
    for (int i = 0; i < isMatched.size(); i++) {
        // Remove matched keypoints
        if (isMatched[i] == true) {
            itr = keypoints[idx].erase(itr);
        else {

    descriptor[idx] = tempDescriptor.clone();

I hope this will help. 我希望这将有所帮助。

OK, like Micka suggested, I iterate over all keypoints and descriptors and add all of them, except the matches, in a new vector/matrix. 好的,就像Micka建议的那样,我遍历所有关键点和描述符,并将除匹配项外的所有关键点和描述符添加到新的向量/矩阵中。 There is no possibility to mark them unnecessary. 无法将它们标记为不必要。

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