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[英]Read and concat csv files from past 14 days in python pandas

I need to write a script that read all csv files with specific names from past 14 days (every day in the morning), but when I do concat this gives me a little cube (in jupyter-notebook), and that sign there is nothing. 我需要编写一个脚本来读取过去14天(每天每天)中具有特定名称的所有csv文件,但是当我进行concat操作时,这会给我一个小立方体(在jupyter-notebook中),并且该符号没有任何内容。

def get_local_file(pdate, hour, path='/data/'):
        """Get date+hour processing file from local drive

       :param pdate: str Processing date
        :param hour: str Processing hour
        :param path: str Path to file location
        :return: Pandas DF Retrieved DataFrame

        sdate = pdate + '-' + str(hour)
        for p_file in os.listdir(path):
            if fnmatch.fnmatch(p_file, 'ABC_*'+sdate+'*.csv'):
                return path+p_file

def get_files(pdate, path='/data/'):
    hours = [time(i).strftime('%H') for i in range(24)]
    for hour in hours:
        fileList.append(get_local_file(pdate, hour))
    return fileList

end_datetime = datetime.combine(date.today(), time(0, 0, 0))
proc_datetime = end_datetime - timedelta(days=14)
while proc_datetime <= end_datetime:
    proc_datetime += timedelta(days=1)
    a = get_files(str(proc_datetime.date()).replace('-', '_'))
    frame = pd.DataFrame()
    list_ = []
    for file_ in a:
        if file_ != None:
            df = pd.read_csv(file_,index_col=None, header=0, delimiter=';')
            frame = pd.concat(list_)

I'm pretty sure that is possible to make code from while loop and below much simpler, but have no idea how to do it. 我敢肯定,可以从while循环及其下面简化代码,但不知道如何做。

If you want to create a single dataframe from a bunch of .csv files you can do it this way: 如果要从一堆.csv文件创建单个数据框,则可以通过以下方式进行操作:

  • initialize an empty list before the loop 在循环之前初始化一个空列表
  • loop over files, for every one read in a dataframe and append it to the list 遍历文件,对于数据帧中的每一次读取,并将其附加到列表中
  • concatenate the list into a single dataframe after the loop 循环后将列表连接到单个数据帧中

I did not check if your handling of dates and filenames is correct but here are the relevant changes to your code regarding the concatenation part: 我没有检查您对日期和文件名的处理是否正确,但是以下是有关串联部分的代码的相关更改:

end_datetime = datetime.combine(date.today(), time(0, 0, 0))
proc_datetime = end_datetime - timedelta(days=14)
list_ = []
while proc_datetime <= end_datetime:
    proc_datetime += timedelta(days=1)
    a = get_files(str(proc_datetime.date()).replace('-', '_'))
    for file_ in a:
        if file_ != None:
            df = pd.read_csv(file_, index_col=None, header=0, delimiter=';')
frame = pd.concat(list_)
import pandas
import glob
csvFiles = glob.glob(path + "/data/*.csv")
list_ = []
for file in csvFiles:
    if ((datetime.combine(date.today(), time(0, 0, 0)) - datetime(*map(int, file.split("-")[1].split("_")))).days < 14)
        df = pandas.read_csv(file, index_col=None, header=0, delimiter=';')
frame = pandas.concat(list_, ignore_index=True)
frame.to_csv("Appended File.csv")

Assuming the file path doesnot have any hyphen(-) characters in it. 假定文件路径中没有任何连字符(-)。

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