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[英]How should I go about adding annual subscription to existing paid Android app?

I have had a successful app on Google Play for several years. 几年来,我在Google Play上拥有成功的应用程序。 There are two versions of it: a limited free version and a fully featured paid version. 它有两个版本:有限的免费版本和功能齐全的付费版本。 This model has worked well for me, but now I am starting to worry about the long term picture - where will I get revenue from once most people who want the app have already bought it ? 这种模式对我来说效果很好,但是现在我开始担心长期前景-一旦大多数想要该应用的人购买了它,我将从哪里获得收益?

I want to keep the free version the same as it is, and I would still like to sell the paid version for an upfront fee. 我想保持免费版本不变,并且我仍然想出售付费版本的预付费用。 But for the paid version, I would also like to charge a renewal fee once a year, starting one year after the user initially buys and installs it. 但是对于付费版本,我还想从用户最初购买并安装一年后开始,每年收取一次续订费。

How would it be best to do this using the Google in-app subscription mechanism ? 如何最好地使用Google应用内订阅机制来做到这一点? Also, how would I make the transition without upsetting current paid users ? 另外,如何在不影响当前付费用户的情况下进行过渡?

This model has worked well for me, but now I am starting to worry about the long term picture - where will I get revenue from once most people who want the app have already bought it ? 这种模式对我来说效果很好,但是现在我开始担心长期前景-一旦大多数想要该应用的人购买了它,我将从哪里获得收益?

I'm thinking about this too. 我也在考虑这个。 What I came up with is to add optional donations / subscriptions that people can choose to buy, in either the free or paid versions. 我想出的是添加人们可以选择购买的免费或付费版本的可选捐赠/订阅。 Buying the subscription in the free version would essentially unlock the features for the duration of the subscription, as a "trial" period. 购买免费版本的订阅实际上将在订阅期间(作为“试用”期间)解锁功能。

I want to keep the free version the same as it is, and I would still like to sell the paid version for an upfront fee. 我想保持免费版本不变,并且我仍然想出售付费版本的预付费用。 But for the paid version, I would also like to charge a renewal fee once a year, starting one year after the user initially buys and installs it. 但是对于付费版本,我还想从用户最初购买并安装一年后开始,每年收取一次续订费。

How would it be best to do this using the Google in-app subscription mechanism ? 如何最好地使用Google应用内订阅机制来做到这一点?

You can't really do this with in-app-billing (up-front cost + delayed billing). 您无法通过应用内结算(前期费用+延迟结算)来真正做到这一点。 The best alternative would be to add the ability to buy the subscription within the free version that would then unlock the paid features. 最好的选择是在免费版本中增加购买订阅的功能,然后解锁付费功能。 You would then have to discontinue (ie unpublish) the paid version so people couldn't keep buying it. 然后,您将不得不停止(即取消发布)付费版本,以使人们无法继续购买它。

Also, how would I make the transition without upsetting current paid users ? 另外,如何在不影响当前付费用户的情况下进行过渡?

I would say don't even try this. 我会说甚至不要尝试这个。 If you start charging an annual fee to people who paid the upfront cost, they are going to be pissed . 如果您开始向支付预付款的人收取年费,他们将很生气

I would "grandfather" in people who already bought the app. 我会在那些已经购买了该应用程序的人中“祖父”。 Convert the paid app into a "key" that does nothing but tell people to get the free version, which you continue to maintain / update. 将付费应用程序转换为“钥匙”,除了告诉人们获得免费版本外,什么都不做,您将继续维护/更新。 Then you can can check in the free version if the paid app exists and unlock paid features. 然后,您可以签入免费版本(如果存在付费应用程序)并解锁付费功能。

This way old users who supported you before keep the features they paid for, and only new users will have to pay the annual fee. 这样,以前为您提供支持的旧用户可以保留他们付费的功能,只有新用户才需要支付年费。

If you really do want to charge existing users, then the other option would be to put a notice / disclaimer in the paid version before unpublishing it that it's essentially discontinued and if they want new features / updates they have to get the free one with billing. 如果您确实想向现有用户收费,那么另一种选择是在付费版本中发布通知/免责声明,然后再发布该版本,该版本实际上已经停产了;如果他们想要新功能/更新,则必须付费才能获得免费版本。 Then existing users can just keep what they paid for and have the option to subscribe for ongoing features / updates. 这样,现有用户就可以保留他们所支付的价格,并可以选择订阅正在进行的功能/更新。

This still feels crappy as users are accustomed to paying once for lifetime updates, but it's probably the best option given how Google Play sales / billing works. 由于用户习惯了为终身更新支付一次费用,因此这仍然让人感到沮丧,但是考虑到Google Play的销售/结算方式,这可能是最好的选择。

Hope that helps. 希望能有所帮助。

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