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[英]How to generate an n-dimensional grid in python

I want to generate an n-dimensional grid. 我想生成一个n维网格。

For a 3D grid, I have the following working code (which creates a grid of 5X5X5 between (-1,1 ) 对于3D网格,我有以下工作代码(在(-1,1)之间创建一个5X5X5的网格)

import numpy as np
subdivision = 5
step = 1.0/subdivision
grid= np.mgrid[ step-1 : 1.0-step: complex(0, subdivision),
                step-1 : 1.0-step: complex(0, subdivision),
                step-1 : 1.0-step: complex(0, subdivision)]

I want to generalize this to n dimensions so something like 我想把它推广到n维,就像这样

grid = np.mgrid[step-1 : 1.0-step: complex(0,subdivision) for i in range(n)]

But this obviously doesnt work. 但这显然不起作用。 I also tried 我也试过了

temp = [np.linspace(step-1 , 1.0-step, subdivision) for i in range(D)]
grid = np.mgrid[temp]

But this doesn't work either since np.mgrid accepts slices 但是这不起作用,因为np.mgrid接受切片

Instead of using complex you can define the step size explicitly using real numbers. 您可以使用实数明确定义步长,而不是使用complex In my opinion this is more concise: 在我看来,这更简洁:

grid= np.mgrid[ step-1 : 1.0: step * 2,
                step-1 : 1.0: step * 2,
                step-1 : 1.0: step * 2]

Dissecting above snippet, we see that step-1 : 1.0: step * 2 defines a slice, and separating them by , creates a tuple of three slices, which is passed to np.mgrid.__getitem__ . 解剖上面的片段,我们看到step-1 : 1.0: step * 2定义了一个切片,并将它们分开,创建了一个三个切片的元组,传递给np.mgrid.__getitem__

We can generalize this to n dimensions by constructing a tuple of n slices: 我们可以通过构造n切片的元组将它推广到n维:

n = 3
grid= np.mgrid[tuple(slice(step - 1, 1, step * 2) for _ in range(n))]

As suggested by kazemakase , you should replace the "short hand" slicing notations step-1 : 1.0-step: complex(0,subdivision) with an explicit call to slice , and then combine it in a " tuple generator": 正如kazemakase所建议的那样 ,你应该用一个显式调用slice来替换“short hand”切片符号step-1 : 1.0-step: complex(0,subdivision) ,然后将它组合成一个“ tuple generator”:

D = 6
grid = np.mgrid[tuple(slice(step-1, 1.0-step, complex(0,subdivision)) for i in range(D))]

Results with a 6D grid. 使用6D网格的结果。

You can use meshgrid and linspace to do what you want. 您可以使用meshgridlinspace来执行您想要的操作。

import numpy as np
X1, X2, X3 = np.meshgrid(*[np.linspace(-1,1,5),

For many dimensions, you can do 对于许多方面,你可以做到

D = 4
subdivision = 5
temp = [np.linspace(-1.0 , 1.0, subdivision) for i in range(D)]
res_to_unpack = np.meshgrid(*temp)

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