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[英]Access file from the app folder in uwp

Directory: 目录:

  - MainPage.xaml.cs
  - Sample.xaml

im trying to do is getting the xaml content from the sample as a string but it doesnt work since it cant find the file: 我试图做的是从样本中获取xaml内容作为字符串,但是由于找不到文件,因此无法正常工作:

    var x = Path.GetFullPath(@"sample.xaml");
    FileStream s = new FileStream(x, FileMode.Open);

How can I fix this? 我怎样才能解决这个问题?


I haven't tried this give it a try. 我没有尝试过尝试一下。

Save your file in a location eg (Assets Folder)Now, make sure that the build action is set to Content. 将文件保存在例如(资产文件夹)的位置。现在,确保将构建操作设置为“内容”。

var storageFile = await StorageFile.GetFileFromApplicationUriAsync(
new Uri("ms-appx:///Assets/youfile.xaml"));

The StorageFile you get is of course read-only, but it can be passed to any API that expects a StorageFile. 您获得的StorageFile当然是只读的,但是可以将其传递给需要StorageFile的任何API。

If you want to read you can try. 如果您想阅读,可以尝试。

  var result = storageFile.OpenReadAsync()

StorageFile Documentation StorageFile文档

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