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是否可以在没有文件选择器的情况下从 UWP 访问 ProgramData 文件夹?

[英]Is it possible to access ProgramData folder from UWP without file picker?

Can anyone share your ideas of accessing the custom paths like program data folder in the C drive from UWP application??任何人都可以分享您从 UWP 应用程序访问 C 驱动器中的程序数据文件夹等自定义路径的想法吗?

I am getting an access denied while accessing this path.我在访问此路径时被拒绝访问。 Any special capabilities that I have to add to the AppManifest.我必须添加到 AppManifest 的任何特殊功能。

Basically I need to access this folder from the a KIOSK where.i have a specific file which is to be reused for KIOSK mode in UWP.基本上我需要从 KIOSK 访问此文件夹,其中我有一个特定文件,该文件将在 UWP 中用于 KIOSK 模式。

Your only hope is broadFileSystemAccess .您唯一的希望是broadFileSystemAccess Also, this answer could be useful.此外, 这个答案可能很有用。

If you want to carry data of a smaller amount, you can use the System Environment Variable.如果你想携带更少量的数据,你可以使用系统环境变量。 You can set and get the value added in the Environmental variable from KIOSK mode.您可以从 KIOSK 模式设置和获取环境变量中添加的值。

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