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[英]Grouping iGraph Vertices in a weighted network by color/subgroup in R

I am struggling to group my network by the subgroups. 我正在努力按小组将我的网络分组。 I currently have the following network: 我目前有以下网络:

Current Network 当前网络

Which I have assigned the subgroups. 我已经分配了这些子组。 I would like to plot all of the subgroups clustered together. 我想绘制聚类在一起的所有子组。 To get a graph that looks like this: 要获得如下所示的图形:

Goal 目标

Most algorithms seems to cluster based on weights in the graph. 大多数算法似乎基于图中的权重进行聚类。 But I want to tell it to cluster based on the node colors/labelled subgroups. 但是我想告诉它基于节点颜色/标记的子组进行聚类。 This is what I have now to code this network: 这就是我现在要对该网络进行编码的内容:

#Graph with Weighted matrix
g_weighted<-graph.adjacency(WeightedMatrix, mode="undirected", weighted = TRUE)

#Make nodes different colors based on different classes
Node_Colors <- rainbow(numberofclasses, alpha=0.5)
for(i in 1:numberofclasses){
#Plot with iGraph
            layout=layout.fruchterman.reingold,  ##LAYOUT BY CLASS
            title="Weighted Network",
            edge.color=ifelse(WeightedMatrix > 0, "palegreen4","red4")
legend(x=-1.5, y=-1.1, c(unique(ConnectedVertexColor)), pch = 19, col=Node_Colors, bty="n")

The ConnectedVertexColor is a vector the contains information about if the node is a lipid, Nucleotide, Carb or AA. ConnectedVertexColor是一个向量,其中包含有关节点是否为脂质,核苷酸,碳水化合物或AA的信息。 I have tried the command V(g_weighted)$community<-ConnectedVertexColor but I cannot get this to transfer into useful information for iGraph. 我已经尝试过命令V(g_weighted)$community<-ConnectedVertexColor但是我无法将其转换为iGraph的有用信息。

Thanks for advice in advance. 预先感谢您的建议。

Since you do not provide data, I am making a guess based on your "Current Network" picture. 由于您未提供数据,因此我根据您的“当前网络”图片进行猜测。 Of course, what you need is a layout for the graph. 当然,您需要的是图形的布局。 Below I provide two functions to create layouts that might meet your needs. 下面,我提供两个函数来创建可能满足您需求的布局。

First, some data that looks a bit like yours. 首先,一些看起来像您的数据。

EL = structure(c(1, 5, 4, 2, 7, 4, 7, 6, 6, 2, 9, 6, 3, 10,
7, 8, 3, 9, 8, 5, 3, 4, 10, 13, 12, 12, 13, 12, 13, 15, 15,
11, 11, 14, 14, 11, 11, 11, 15, 15, 11, 11, 13, 13, 11, 13),
.Dim = c(23L, 2L))

g2 = graph_from_edgelist(EL, directed = FALSE)
Groups = c(rep(1, 10), 2,2,3,3,3)
plot(g2, vertex.color=rainbow(3)[Groups])


First Layout 第一版面

GroupByVertex01 = function(Groups, spacing = 5) {
         Position = (order(Groups) + spacing*Groups)
         Angle    = Position * 2 * pi / max(Position)
         matrix(c(cos(Angle), sin(Angle)), ncol=2)

GBV1 = GroupByVertex01(Groups)
plot(g2, vertex.color=rainbow(3)[Groups], layout=GBV1)


Second Layout 第二版面

GroupByVertex02 = function(Groups) {
         numGroups = length(unique(Groups))
         GAngle    = (1:numGroups) * 2 * pi / numGroups
         Centers   = matrix(c(cos(GAngle), sin(GAngle)), ncol=2)
         x = y = c()
         for(i in 1:numGroups) {
                 curGroup = which(Groups == unique(Groups)[i])
                 VAngle = (1:length(curGroup)) * 2 * pi / length(curGroup)
                 x = c(x, Centers[i,1] + cos(VAngle) / numGroups )
                 y = c(y, Centers[i,2] + sin(VAngle) / numGroups)
         matrix(c(x, y), ncol=2)

GBV2 = GroupByVertex02(Groups)
plot(g2, vertex.color=rainbow(3)[Groups], layout=GBV2)


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