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[英]Number of vertices in Igraph in R

I'm fairly new to IGraph in R. 我是R中的IGraph的新手。

I'm doing community detection using IGraph and have already built my communities /clusters using the walktrap technique. 我正在使用IGraph进行社区检测,并且已经使用Walktrap技术建立了社区/集群。

Next, within each cluster, I want to count the number of vertices between each two certain vertices. 接下来,在每个群集中,我要计算两个特定顶点之间的顶点数。 The reason I want to do this is, for each vertex XX, I want to list vertices that are connected to XX via say max 3 vertices, meaning no further than 3 vertices away from XX. 我要执行此操作的原因是,对于每个顶点XX,我都希望列出通过最多3个顶点连接到XX的顶点,这意味着距离XX最多不超过3个顶点。

Can anyone help how this can be done in R please? 任何人都可以帮助在R中完成此操作吗?

making a random graph (for demonstration): 制作随机图(用于演示):

g <- erdos.renyi.game(100, 1/25)

get walktrap communities and save as vertex attribute: 获取Walktrap社区并另存为顶点属性:

V(g)$community<-walktrap.community(g, modularity = TRUE, membership = TRUE)$membership

now make a subgraph containing only edges and vertices of one community, eg community 2: 现在制作一个仅包含一个社区(例如社区2)的边和顶点的子图:


make a matrix containing all shortest paths: 制作一个包含所有最短路径的矩阵:


now count the number of shortest paths smaller or equal to 3. 现在计算最短路径的数量小于或等于3。

I also exclude shortest paths from each node to itself (shortestPaths!=0). 我还排除了从每个节点到其自身的最短路径(shortestPaths!= 0)。

also divide by two because every node pair appears twice in the matrix for undirected graphs. 也除以2,因为每个节点对在无向图的矩阵中出现两次。

Number_of_shortest_paths_smaller_3 <- length(which(shortestPs<=3 & shortestPs!=0))/2

Hope that's close to what you need, good luck! 希望这接近您的需求,祝您好运!

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