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[英]find all unique combinations of n numbers between 1 and k

I want a list of all possible sets of five (or n) numbers between 1 and 63 (or more generalizably 1 and k) 我想要一个在1到63之间(或更笼统地说是1到k)的五个(或n个)数字的所有可能集合的列表

If computing time wasn't an issue, I could do something like 如果计算时间不是问题,我可以做类似的事情

 #Get all combenations of numbers between 1 and 63
 indexCombinations <- expand.grid(1:63, 1:63, 1:63, 1:63, 1:63)

 #Throw out the rows that have more than one of the same number in them
 allDifferent <- apply(indexCombinations, 1, function(x){
      length(x) == length(unique(x))
 } # function
 ) # apply

 indexCombinationsValid <- indexCombinations[allDifferent,]

 # And then just take the unique values
 indexCombinationsValidUnique <- unique(indexCombinationsValid)

The finding of unique values, I am concerned, is going to be prohibitively slow. 我担心,发现独特价值的步伐将非常缓慢。 Furthermore, I end up having to make a bunch of rows in the first place I never use. 此外,我最终不得不一排排从未使用过的行。 I was wondering if anyone has a more elegant and efficient way of getting a data frame or matrix of unique combinations of each of five numbers (or n numbers) between one and some some range of values. 我想知道是否有人有一种更优雅,更有效的方法来获取一个值和某个值范围之间的五个数字(或n个数字)的唯一组合的数据框或矩阵。


 n <- 1:63; x <- combn(n, m = 5)

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