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如何在numpy / scipy中获取插值数组值

[英]How to get interpolated array values in numpy / scipy

I was wondering how I could get the interpolated value of a 3D array. 我想知道如何获得3D数组的插值。 I am trying to get the value at for example position: (1.4, 2.3, 4.2) of a 3d array. 我试图在3d数组的位置(例如1.4、2.3、4.2)获得值。 How can I get the interpolated value? 如何获得内插值?

counterX = 1.5 
counterY = 1.5 
counterZ = 1.5 

for x in range(0, length)
    for y in range(0, length)
        for z in range(0, length)
            value = img[counterX, counterY, counterZ]
        counterZ = 0
    counterY = 0

counterX, counterY and counterZ are float values rather than integers. counterX,counterY和counterZ是浮点值,而不是整数。 However I cannot css them int(...) since my results need to be very exact. 但是,由于我的结果必须非常准确,因此无法将它们int(...)进行css处理。 Therefore I thought interpolation would be the best solution. 因此,我认为插值将是最好的解决方案。

I am not sure what is exactly your problem. 我不确定您到底是什么问题。

Would you like to create an interpolated array from some observed values ? 您想根据一些观测值创建一个插值数组吗? Then I would personnally recommend to use a kriging model, pyKriging seems to do that but I never used it personnally. 然后我个人建议使用kriging模型,pyKriging似乎可以做到这一点,但我从来没有亲自使用过。

Then you could create a function (using the prediction model built through kriging) taking 3 arguments counterX, counterY and counterZ and just evaluate the prediction in any positions. 然后,您可以创建一个函数(使用通过克里金法建立的预测模型),使用3个参数counterX,counterY和counterZ并仅在任何位置评估预测。

Just go for trilinear Interpolation as described here: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Trilinear_interpolation 只需按照此处所述进行三线性插值: https : //en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Trilinear_interpolation

For your example this would be: 对于您的示例,这将是:

C00 = (1,2,4)*0.6 + (2,2,4)*0.4
C01 = (1,3,4)*0.6 + (2,3,4)*0.4
C10 = (1,2,5)*0.6 + (2,2,5)*0.4
C11 = (1,3,5)*0.6 + (2,3,5)*0.4

C0 = C00*0.8 + C10*0.2
C1 = C01*0.8 + C11*0.2

C = C0*0.7 + C1*0.3

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