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[英]Publish an add-on privately

I am trying to publish a test add-on with the option Private , because there is nothing new in this add-on, and would not be accepted by Google if I published it with Public . 我正在尝试发布一个带有选项Private的测试附加组件,因为该附加组件中没有新内容,如果我与Public一起发布,它将不会被Google接受。

The add-on contains a sidebar, a custom menu and a custom function. 该插件包含一个侧边栏,一个自定义菜单和一个自定义功能。 It works well on its Google Sheet. 它在其Google表格上运行良好。

In Chrome Web Store, I have added 2 gmails to Edit your tester accounts: under Your developer account . 在Chrome Web Store中,我在Your developer account下添加了2个gmail来Edit your tester accounts: Your developer account I also created a google group with these 2 gmails. 我还用这2个gmails创建了一个Google组。

By following this thread , I did Publish ==> Deploy as Sheets web add-on... , then uploaded different icon and images in Chrome Web Store, paid 5 dollars, left most of boxes blank, then published it with the option Private and chose the created google group. 通过遵循此线程 ,我完成了Publish ==> Deploy as Sheets web add-on... ,然后在Chrome Web Store中上传了不同的图标和图像,支付了5美元,将大多数框保留为空白,然后使用选项Private将其发布然后选择创建的Google网上论坛。

However, when I open a new Google Sheet with either of these two mails, I cannot find the add-on in Add-ons . 但是,当我用这两封邮件中的任何一封打开新的Google表格时,都无法在附件中找到该Add-ons By Add-ons ==> Get add-ons... , I cannot find the add-on either. 通过Add-ons ==> Get add-ons... ,我也找不到该加载项。

So does anyone know where this add-on is supposed to appear? 那么,有谁知道该附件应该出现在哪里? Is it because this add-on is under review by Google that it is not available yet. 是否因为该附加组件正在由Google审核而无法使用。

I am quite surprised to see such a basic publishing is not unclear. 看到这样的基本发布并不清晰,我感到很惊讶。 Is it because few people publish an add-on with Private ? 是因为很少有人发布带有Private的加载项?

In your web store dashboard, you should see the link to the add-on. 在您的网上商店信息中心中,您应该看到该附件的链接。 Get the URL for this link and give the URL to the accounts you have created that should have permission. 获取此链接的URL,然后将URL赋予您应具有权限的已创建帐户。 Those accounts need to install the add-on, and then should be able to use it. 这些帐户需要安装加载项,然后才能使用它。

I think you can also list your add-on as unlisted and not be required to go through the entire approval process. 我认为您也可以将您的加载项列出为未列出,而无需经过整个批准过程。 This makes it a little easier to share your add-ons with specific users. 这样可以更轻松地与特定用户共享您的加载项。

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