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以“不公开”模式在 GSuite 市场上发布插件

[英]Publish add-on on GSuite marketplace in “unlisted” mode

I have a GSuite add-on that I would like to publish only on the domains of my customers (who have GSuite accounts).我有一个 GSuite 插件,我只想在我的客户(拥有 GSuite 帐户)的域上发布。 From what I understand of the G Suite Marketplace:根据我对 G Suite Marketplace 的了解:

  • I can't put the Add-On Public because everyone on the planet will be able to install it我不能公开附加组件,因为地球上的每个人都可以安装它
  • I can't put it Private because I need users outside my domain to be able to access it我不能将其设为私有,因为我需要域外的用户才能访问它

What would be the solution for this use case?这个用例的解决方案是什么?

AFAIK there is no official guide to publish and add-on for limited number of external domains. AFAIK 没有官方指南来发布和附加有限数量的外部域。

While some services have a whitelist, this is not the case for G Suite Marketplace Add-ons and Editor Add-ons as of August 6, 2020.虽然某些服务有白名单,但自 2020 年 8 月 6 日起,G Suite Marketplace 插件和编辑器插件就不属于这种情况。

So you will have to think that your add-on could be installed by anyone with a Google account but you could set something to limit it use.因此,您将不得不认为任何拥有 Google 帐户的人都可以安装您的插件,但您可以设置一些东西来限制它的使用。

Some alternatives:一些替代方案:

G Suite add-on G Suite 插件

  • Set conditions to set the content to be shown on cards设置条件以设置要在卡片上显示的内容

G Suite Editor Add-on G Suite 编辑器插件

  • Set a dynamic custom menu设置动态自定义菜单
  • Set conditions to set the content to be shown on dialogs and sidebars设置条件以设置要在对话框和侧边栏上显示的内容

Maybe the simpler solution will be to use the script properties to set a list of valid domains.也许更简单的解决方案是使用脚本属性来设置有效域列表。 To do this you could use Session.getActiveUser().getEmail() / Session.getEffectiveUser().getEmail() then something to get the user domain and compare it with your add-on's whitelist.为此,您可以使用Session.getActiveUser().getEmail() / Session.getEffectiveUser().getEmail()然后获取用户域并将其与附加组件的白名单进行比较。


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