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[英]How to publish an Add-On for Calendar as such?

I'm developing a script which modifies events with certain criteria, I was able to publish it as Docs Add-On, and there are other options, but no Calendar. 我正在开发一个脚本,该脚本可以使用某些条件修改事件,可以将其发布为“文档附件”,并且还有其他选项,但没有“日历”。 This guys nailed, but Calendar is not even as option in the G Suit Makerplace SDK (I managed Gmail). 伙计们钉了钉子,但G Suit Makerplace SDK(我管理Gmail)中甚至没有选择使用日历。

From a post by Eric Koleda on this Google+ conversation 摘自Eric Koleda关于此Google+对话的帖子

Thanks for the feedback. 感谢您的反馈。 At the moment the add-on framework only allows a developer to add a custom conference provider (this WebEx, etc), which isn't really applicable to a mass audience. 目前,该插件框架仅允许开发人员添加自定义会议提供程序(此WebEx等),这实际上不适用于广大受众。 If and when the framework become more general purpose I'll push the product team to make it generally available, since I'm sure there is a lot of great functionality this community can add to the Google Calendar experience. 如果该框架变得更加通用,那么我将督促产品团队使其普遍可用,因为我确信该社区可以为Google日历体验带来很多强大的功能。

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