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python 3D样条插值

[英]Spline interpolation in 3D in python

I am searching the equivalent Matlab command 我正在搜索等效的Matlab命令

Vq = interp3(X,Y,Z,V,Xq,Yq,Zq)

in Python. 在Python中。 In Matlab I can use the method 'spline' interpolation, which I can not find in python for 3D data. 在Matlab中,我可以使用“样条”插值方法,而在python中找不到3D数据。 There exists scipy.interpolate.griddata, but it doesn't have the option spline for 3D data. 存在scipy.interpolate.griddata,但没有用于3D数据的样条线。

The data I want to interpolate is a 3D matrix (51x51x51), which is regularly distributed on a 3D grid. 我要插入的数据是3D矩阵(51x51x51),该矩阵定期分布在3D网格上。

scipy.interpolate.Rbf may be the option, but I don't get it working: 可能是scipy.interpolate.Rbf,但我无法正常工作:

xi = yi = zi = np.linspace(1, 132651, 132651) interp = scipy.interpolate.Rbf(xi, yi, zi, data, function='cubic')

leads to a memory error. 导致内存错误。

Edit: A minimal example of what I want (without interpolation): Matlab code 编辑:我想要(没有插值)的最小示例:Matlab代码

isosurface (v, 0.3);

For simplicity, I use random data in this example. 为简单起见,在此示例中,我使用随机数据。 I want to make isosurface plots (in particular, Fermi surface plots). 我要绘制等值面图(特别是费米曲面图)。 Since some structures are very small, a high grid resolution of 51x51x51 is needed. 由于某些结构非常小,因此需要51x51x51的高网格分辨率。

A further comment: The data set in the matrix is independent from each other, z (or the 3rd component) is NOT a function of x and y. 进一步说明:矩阵中的数据集彼此独立,z(或第3个分量)不是x和y的函数。

Spline interpolation on for 3+ dimensions can be done using scipy.interpolate.Rbf as your described. 可以使用您描述的scipy.interpolate.Rbf完成3维以上的样条插值。 For plotting purposes you can use a smaller resolution (1000 points is a good rule of thumb), and when you want to evaluate your spline, you can interpolate on much greater than 132000 points without problem (see example below). 出于绘图目的,您可以使用较小的分辨率(1000点是一个很好的经验法则),并且当您要评估样条线时,可以插值大于132000点而没有问题(请参见下面的示例)。

Can you add a Minimal, Complete, and Verifiable example for what you are trying to do in matlab? 您可以为在matlab中尝试执行的操作添加最小,完整和可验证的示例吗? This will explain why do you need to create a grid space with a resolution of 132000 points. 这将解释为什么您需要创建分辨率为132000点的网格空间。 Also, please note, there is a curse of dimensionality. 另外,请注意,存在维数的诅咒。 Matlab uses a cubic spline or a piecewise polynomial which can be dangerous due to overfitting. Matlab使用三次样条或分段多项式 ,由于过度拟合可能会造成危险。 I recommend you used a more sane method for training on 51 datapoints and applying to 132000+ datapoints. 我建议您使用一种更明智的方法来训练51个数据点并将其应用于132000+个数据点。 This is a great example on polynomial curve fitting and model selection. 是多项式曲线拟合和模型选择的一个很好的例子。

Example: 例:

Generate data: 产生资料:

import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from mpl_toolkits.mplot3d import axes3d

%matplotlib inline
import random
# set seed to reproducible
data_size = 51
max_value_range = 132651
x = np.array([random.random()*max_value_range for p in range(0,data_size)])
y = np.array([random.random()*max_value_range for p in range(0,data_size)])
z = 2*x*x*x + np.sqrt(y)*y + random.random()
fig = plt.figure(figsize=(10,6))
ax = axes3d.Axes3D(fig)
ax.scatter3D(x,y,z, c='r')


Fit spline and interpolate 拟合样条曲线和插值

x_grid = np.linspace(0, 132651, 1000*len(x))
y_grid = np.linspace(0, 132651, 1000*len(y))
B1, B2 = np.meshgrid(x_grid, y_grid, indexing='xy')
Z = np.zeros((x.size, z.size))

import scipy as sp
import scipy.interpolate
spline = sp.interpolate.Rbf(x,y,z,function='thin_plate',smooth=5, episilon=5)

Z = spline(B1,B2)
fig = plt.figure(figsize=(10,6))
ax = axes3d.Axes3D(fig)
ax.plot_wireframe(B1, B2, Z)
ax.plot_surface(B1, B2, Z,alpha=0.2)
ax.scatter3D(x,y,z, c='r')


Fit spline on large data 使样条曲线适合大数据

predict_data_size = 132000
x_predict = np.array([random.random()*max_value_range for p in range(0,predict_data_size)])
y_predict = np.array([random.random()*max_value_range for p in range(0,predict_data_size)])
z_predict = spline(x_predict, y_predict)
fig = plt.figure(figsize=(10,6))
ax = axes3d.Axes3D(fig)
ax.plot_wireframe(B1, B2, Z)
ax.plot_surface(B1, B2, Z,alpha=0.2)
ax.scatter3D(x_predict,y_predict,z_predict, c='r')


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