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[英]How to disable update on a QQuickItem

I have a QQuickItem derived class 我有一个QQuickItem派生类

// Class
class MyQQuickItem : public QQuickItem {

// updatePaintNode in cpp function
QSGNode * MyQQuickItem::updatePaintNode(QSGNode * oldNode, UpdatePaintNodeData * updatePaintNodeData) {

  // draw UI logic
  return node;

// QML component
MyQQuickItem {
  id: my_quick
  objectName: "myquickitem"
  width : 500
  height : 500

I am doing something on a separate UI which causes the updatePaintNode of MyQQuickItem to be fired. 我正在一个单独的UI上做某事,这会导致MyQQuickItemupdatePaintNode被触发。 If I have a pointer to MyQQuickItem on cpp side like so, 如果我像这样在cpp端有指向MyQQuickItem的指针,

QQuickItem * my_quick_item_ptr = m_qml_engine->rootObjects()[0]->findChild<QQuickItem*>("myquickitem");

How can disable MyQQuickItem 's updatePaintNode from getting called when I don't want it to? 当我不希望MyQQuickItem的updatePaintNode被调用时,如何禁用它?
Secondary question: If yes, How to reinstate it back again? 第二个问题:如果是,如何再次将其恢复?

If and when updatePaintNode() is called is most likely scenegraph internal stuff that wasn't really intended to be modified. 如果以及何时调用updatePaintNode()则很可能是场景图内部的东西,实际上并没有打算对其进行修改。

Maybe try doing something less invasive like: 也许尝试做一些侵入性较小的事情,例如:

QSGNode * MyQQuickItem::updatePaintNode(QSGNode * oldNode, UpdatePaintNodeData * updatePaintNodeData) {
  if (doNotUpdate) return oldNode; 
  // draw UI logic
  return node;

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