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[英]Pytorch Pre-trained RESNET18 Model

I have trained a pre-trained RESNET18 model in pytorch and saved it. 我已经在pytorch中训练了预训练的RESNET18模型并保存了它。 While testing the model is giving different accuracy for different mini-batch size. 在测试模型时,对于不同的小批量大小,其精度会有所不同。 Does anyone know why? 有人知道为什么吗?

Yes, I think so. 是的,我想是这样。 RESNET contains batch normalisation layers. RESNET包含批处理规范化层。 At evaluation time you need to fix these; 在评估时,您需要修复这些问题; otherwise the running means are continuously being adjusted after processing each batch hence giving you different accuracy . 否则,在处理完每批之后,将不断调整运行方式,从而为您提供不同的精度。

Try setting: 尝试设置:


before evaluation. 评估之前。 Note before getting back into training, call model.train() . 请注意,在回到训练之前,请调用model.train()

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