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[英]Sorting and Merging Using spark-shell

I have a string array in scala 我在scala中有一个字符串数组

Array[String] = Array(apple, banana, oranges, grapes, lichi, anar)

I have converted it into a format like this: 我已经将其转换成这样的格式:

Array[(Int, String)] = Array((5,apple), (6,banana), (7,oranges), (6,grapes), (5,lichi), (4,anar))

and i want output like this: 我想要这样的输出:

Array[(Int, String)] = Array((4,anar), (5,applelichi), (6,bananagrapes), (7,oranges))

means after sorting i want to add together the words with same key. 表示排序后,我想将具有相同键的单词加在一起。 i have done sorting. 我已经完成排序。 heres my code: 这是我的代码:

val a = sc.parallelize(List("apple","banana","oranges","grapes","lichi","anar"))
val b = a.map(x =>(x.length,x))
val c = b.sortBy(_._2)

You can use groupByKey() to do this and then merge the lists you get with mkString . 您可以使用groupByKey()进行此操作,然后将您获得的列表与mkString合并。 Small example using what you have (a,b are the same): 使用您所拥有的小例子(a,b相同):

val c = b.groupByKey().map{case (key, list) => (key, list.toList.sorted.mkString)}.sortBy(_._1)

c.collect() foreach println

Which will give you: 这会给你:


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