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M210 DJI无人机找不到UART引脚

[英]M210 DJI drone can't find UART pins

I am currently working on the serial communication on the M210 drone from DJI and I would like to test a programm using the serial communication. 我目前正在使用DJI的M210无人机进行串行通讯,我想使用串行通讯测试程序。 I know there are UART pins on the expansion ports but I cant find the documentation on the constructor's website to know which pins belong to Rx and Tx. 我知道扩展端口上有UART引脚,但是我无法在构造函数的网站上找到文档来知道哪些引脚属于Rx和Tx。

If someone has the information or knows where to find it. 是否有人知道该信息或知道在哪里找到它。

Ps: I looked all the documentation on DJI's website about M210 and found nothing 附:我看了DJI网站上有关M210的所有文档,却一无所获

Page 40 of the user manual you'll find this pin description: 用户手册的第40页中,您会找到以下引脚说明:


I hope this helps 我希望这有帮助

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