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Python Numpy Logistic回归

[英]Python Numpy Logistic Regression

I'm trying to implement vectorized logistic regression in python using numpy. 我正在尝试使用numpy在python中实现矢量化逻辑回归。 My Cost function (CF) seems to work OK. 我的成本函数(CF)似乎可以正常工作。 However there is a problem with gradient calculation. 但是,梯度计算存在问题。 It returns 3x100 array whereas it should return 3x1. 它返回3x100数组,而应该返回3x1。 I think there is a problem with the (hypo-y) part. 我认为(hypo-y)部分有问题。

def sigmoid(a):
   return 1/(1+np.exp(-a))    

def CF(theta,X,y):

def gr(theta,X,y):



X is a 100x3 arrray, y is 100x1, and theta is a 3x1 arrray. X是100x3的错误, y是100x1, theta是3x1的错误。 It seems both functions are working individually, however this optimization function gives an error: 似乎这两个函数都在单独工作,但是此优化函数给出了一个错误:

optim = minimize(CF, theta, method='BFGS', jac=gr, args=(X,y)) 

The error: "ValueError: shapes (3,100) and (3,100) not aligned: 100 (dim 1) != 3 (dim 0)" 错误:“ ValueError:形状(3,100)和(3,100)不对齐:100(dim 1)!= 3(dim 0)”

I think there is a problem with the (hypo-y) part. 我认为(hypo-y)部分有问题。

Spot on! 发现!

hypo is of shape (100,) and y is of shape (100, 1) . hypo的形状为(100,)y的形状为(100, 1) In the element-wise - operation, hypo is broadcasted to shape (1, 100) according to numpy's broadcasting rules . 在逐元素-的操作, hypo被广播到形状(1, 100)根据numpy的的广播规则 This results in a (100, 100) array, which causes the matrix multiplication to result in a (3, 100) array. 这导致一个(100, 100)数组,这导致矩阵相乘得到一个(3, 100)数组。

Fix this by bringing hypo into the same shape as y : 通过使hypo具有与y相同的形状来解决此问题:

hypo = sigmoid(np.matmul(X, theta)).reshape(-1, 1)  # -1 means automatic size on first dimension

There is one more issue: scipy.optimize.minimize (which I assume you are using) expects the gradient to be an array of shape (k,) but the function gr returns a vector of shape (k, 1) . 还有一个问题: scipy.optimize.minimize (我假设您正在使用)期望渐变是形状为(k,)的数组(k,)但是函数gr返回形状为(k, 1)的向量。 This is easy to fix: 这很容易解决:

return grad.reshape(-1)

The final function becomes 最终功能变为

def gr(theta,X,y):
    hypo=sigmoid(np.matmul(X,theta)).reshape(-1, 1)
    return grad.reshape(-1)

and running it with toy data works (I have not checked the math or the plausibility of the results): 并使用玩具数据运行它(我尚未检查结果的数学或合理性):

theta = np.reshape([1, 2, 3], 3, 1)    
X = np.random.randn(100, 3)
y = np.round(np.random.rand(100, 1))    

optim = minimize(CF, theta, method='BFGS', jac=gr, args=(X,y))
#      fun: 0.6830931976615066
# hess_inv: array([[ 4.51307367, -0.13048255,  0.9400538 ],
#       [-0.13048255,  3.53320257,  0.32364498],
#       [ 0.9400538 ,  0.32364498,  5.08740428]])
#      jac: array([ -9.20709950e-07,   3.34459058e-08,   2.21354905e-07])
#  message: 'Optimization terminated successfully.'
#     nfev: 15
#      nit: 13
#     njev: 15
#   status: 0
#  success: True
#        x: array([-0.07794477,  0.14840167,  0.24572182])

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