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[英]Implementation of tf.extract_image_patches

Where is the implementation of tf.extract_image_patches ? tf.extract_image_patches的实现在tf.extract_image_patches I checked the tensorflow repository I could not find it. 我检查了我找不到的tensorflow存储库。

The file tensorflow/core/kernels/extract_image_patches_op.cc does not contain an implementation. tensorflow/core/kernels/extract_image_patches_op.cc文件不包含实现。

That's an interesting question. 这是一个有趣的问题。 The path is as follows: 路径如下:

At this point, it's getting out of tensorflow source base, because Eigen is from the third-party eigen library ( GitHub mirror ). 此时,它已经脱离了tensorflow源库,因为Eigen来自第三方eigen库GitHub镜像 )。 Its source code is somewhat non-trivially downloaded and linked to tensorflow, but right now we are interested in Eigen::TensorMap::extract_image_patches() function. 它的源代码有些不费吹灰之力下载并链接到tensorflow,但是现在我们对Eigen::TensorMap::extract_image_patches()函数很感兴趣。

Note that particular version of Eigen library may be different in different builds of tensorflow, which you should check in the bazel config. 请注意,在不同版本的tensorflow中,特定版本的Eigen库可能会有所不同,您应该在bazel配置中进行检查。

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