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[英]How can I concatenate text files in fat jar with gradle

I'm building a fat jar with the code below. 我用下面的代码构建一个胖子罐。 However, I have multiple property files with the same name in different jars, which are collected into the fat jar. 但是,我在不同的jar中有多个具有相同名称的属性文件,这些文件被收集到胖jar中。

I guess the solution is to concatenate/merge the files with the same name into one file, but how do I do it? 我猜解决方案是将具有相同名称的文件串联/合并到一个文件中,但是我该怎么做? I found this question How do I concatenate multiple files in Gradle? 我发现了这个问题, 如何在Gradle中连接多个文件? .

How can I access and merge the property files (let's name them myproperties.properties) in the it objects? 如何在it对象中访问和合并属性文件(将其命名为myproperties.properties)?

task fatJar(type: Jar) {
 def mainClass = "myclass"
 def jarName = "myjarname"
    manifest {
        'Main-Class': mainClass,
        'Class-Path': configurations.compile.collect { it.getName() }.join(' ')
    baseName = project.name + '-' + jarName + '-all'
    from { 
      configurations.compile.collect {
        it.isDirectory() ? it : zipTree(it) 
      exclude 'META-INF/*.RSA', 'META-INF/*.SF','META-INF/*.DSA'
    with jar

Solution: I marked the given answer as the solution although I haven't tried it. 解决方案:尽管我没有尝试过,但仍将给出的答案标记为解决方案。 Instead we solved the problem by creating multiple jars and adding those to the classpath. 相反,我们通过创建多个jar并将其添加到类路径来解决该问题。

Possibly you could write a custom MergeCopy task. 可能您可以编写自定义MergeCopy任务。 Eg 例如

public interface FileMerger implements Serializable {
    public void merge(String path, List<File> files, OutputStream out) throws IOException;

public class MergeCopy extends DefaultTask {
    private File outputDir;
    private List<FileTree> fileTrees = []

    FileMerger merger

    File getOutputDir() {
       return outputDir

    List<FileTree> getFileTrees() {
       return fileTrees

    void from(FileTree fileTree) {

    void into(Object into) {
        outputDir = project.file(into)

    void copyAndMerge() {
       Map<String, List<File>> fileMap = [:]
       FileTree allTree = project.files().asFileTree
       fileTrees.each { FileTree fileTree ->
           allTree = allTree.plus(fileTree)
           fileTree.visit { FileVisitDetails fvd ->
               String path = fvd.path.path
               List<File> matches = fileMap[path] ?: []
               matches << fvd.file
               fileMap[path] = matches
       Set<String> dupPaths = [] as Set
       Set<String> nonDupPaths = [] as Set
       fileMap.each { String path, List<File> matches ->
           if (matches.size() > 1) {
              dupPaths << path
           } else {
              nonDupPaths << path
       FileTree nonDups = allTree.matching {
           exclude dupPaths
       project.copy {
           from nonDups
           into outputDir
       for (String dupPath : dupPaths) {
           List<File> matches = fileMap[dupPath]
           File outFile = new File(outputDir, dupPath)
           try (OutputStream out = new FileOutputStream(outFile)) {
               merger.merge(dupPath, matches, out)

You could then do 然后你可以做

task mergeCopy(type: MergeCopy) {
    configurations.compile.files.each {
        from it.directory ? fileTree(it) : zipTree(it)
    into "$buildDir/mergeCopy"
    merger = { String path, List<File> files, OutputStream out ->
       // TODO: implement

task fatJar(type: Jar) {
    dependsOn mergeCopy
    from mergeCopy.outputDir

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