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计算损耗相对于层输入的偏导数| 连锁规则| 蟒蛇

[英]Calculate the partial derivative of the loss with respect to the input of the layer | Chain Rule | Python

The task of this assignment is to calculate the partial derivative of the loss with respect to the input of the layer. 分配的任务是计算损耗相对于层输入的偏导数。 You must implement the Chain Rule. 您必须实施链式规则。

I am having a difficult time understanding conceptually how to set up the function. 我在概念上很难理解如何设置功能。 Any advice or tips would be appreciated! 任何建议或技巧将不胜感激!

The example data for the function variables are at the bottom. 函数变量的示例数据在底部。

 def dense_grad_input(x_input, grad_output, W, b): """Calculate the partial derivative of the loss with respect to the input of the layer # Arguments x_input: input of a dense layer - np.array of size `(n_objects, n_in)` grad_output: partial derivative of the loss functions with respect to the ouput of the dense layer np.array of size `(n_objects, n_out)` W: np.array of size `(n_in, n_out)` b: np.array of size `(n_out,)` # Output the partial derivative of the loss with respect to the input of the layer np.array of size `(n_objects, n_in)` """ ################# ### YOUR CODE ### ################# return grad_input 

 #x_input [[ 0.29682018 0.02620921 0.03910291 0.31660917 0.6809823 0.67731154 0.85846755 0.96218481 0.90590621 0.72424189 0.33797153 0.68878736 0.78965605 0.23509894 0.7241181 0.28966239 0.31927664 0.85477801] [ 0.9960161 0.4369152 0.89877488 0.78452364 0.22198744 0.04382131 0.4169376 0.69122887 0.25566736 0.44901459 0.50918353 0.8193029 0.29340534 0.46017931 0.64337706 0.63181193 0.81610792 0.45420877] [ 0.24633573 0.1358581 0.07556498 0.85105726 0.99732196 0.00668041 0.61558841 0.22549151 0.20417495 0.90856472 0.43778948 0.5179694 0.77824586 0.98535274 0.37334145 0.77306608 0.84054839 0.59580074] [ 0.68575595 0.48426868 0.17377837 0.5779052 0.7824412 0.14172426 0.93237195 0.71980057 0.04890449 0.35121393 0.67403124 0.71114348 0.32314314 0.84770232 0.10081962 0.27920494 0.52890886 0.64462433] [ 0.35874758 0.96694283 0.374106 0.40640907 0.59441666 0.04155628 0.57434682 0.43011294 0.55868019 0.59398029 0.22563919 0.39157997 0.31804255 0.63898075 0.32462043 0.95516196 0.40595824 0.24739606]] #grad_output [[ 0.30650667 0.66195042 0.32518952 0.68266843 0.16748198] [ 0.87112224 0.66131922 0.03093839 0.61508666 0.21811778] [ 0.95191614 0.70929627 0.42584023 0.59418774 0.75341628] [ 0.32523626 0.90275084 0.3625107 0.52354435 0.23991962] [ 0.89248732 0.55744782 0.02718998 0.82430586 0.73937504]] #W [[ 0.8584596 0.28496554 0.6743653 0.81776177 0.28957213] [ 0.96371309 0.19263171 0.78160551 0.07797744 0.21341943] [ 0.5191679 0.02631223 0.37672431 0.7439749 0.53042904] [ 0.1472284 0.46261313 0.18701797 0.17023813 0.63925535] [ 0.6169004 0.43381192 0.93162705 0.62511267 0.45877614] [ 0.30612274 0.39457724 0.26087929 0.34826782 0.71235394] [ 0.66890267 0.70557853 0.48098531 0.76937604 0.10892615] [ 0.17080091 0.57693496 0.19482135 0.07942299 0.7505965 ] [ 0.61697062 0.1725569 0.21757211 0.64178749 0.41287085] [ 0.96790726 0.22636129 0.38378524 0.02240361 0.08083711] [ 0.67933 0.34274892 0.55247312 0.06602492 0.75212193] [ 0.00522951 0.49808998 0.83214543 0.46631055 0.48400103] [ 0.56771735 0.70766078 0.27010417 0.73044053 0.80382 ] [ 0.12586939 0.18685427 0.66328521 0.84542463 0.7792 ] [ 0.21744701 0.90146876 0.67373118 0.88915982 0.5605676 ] [ 0.71208837 0.89978603 0.34720491 0.79784756 0.73914921] [ 0.48384807 0.10921725 0.81603026 0.82053322 0.45465871] [ 0.56148353 0.31003923 0.39570321 0.7816182 0.23360955]] #b [ 0.10006862 0.36418521 0.56036054 0.32046732 0.57004243] 

It's as simple as 就这么简单

def dense_grad_input(x_input, grad_output, W, b):
  return grad_output.dot(W.T)

The formula is the backpropagation error signal through the matrix multiplication. 该公式是通过矩阵乘法的反向传播误差信号。 Derivation can be found here . 推导可以在这里找到。 Note that it doesn't depend on the loss function, only on the error signal from the following layer grad_output . 请注意,它不依赖于损失函数,仅依赖于来自下一层grad_output的错误信号。

Also note that backpropagation also requires to find the gradient with respect to W and b . 还要注意,反向传播还需要找到相对于Wb的梯度。

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