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我如何使用它来确保匿名 ERC20 代币交易?

[英]How I can use it to ensure anonymous ERC20 token transaction?

guys.伙计们。 I heard about ZK (zero knowledge) proof that has been released at Ethereum Byzantium hardfork.我听说过以太坊拜占庭硬分叉发布的 ZK(零知识)证明。 Can you tell me please: How I can use it to ensure anonymous ERC20 token transaction.你能告诉我:我如何使用它来确保匿名 ERC20 代币交易。 Can I use it in Solidity-based Ethereum smart-contract yet or i need to wait full implementation?我可以在基于 Solidity 的以太坊智能合约中使用它还是我需要等待完全实施?

Thank you for advance!谢谢你提前! :) :)

To my knowledge this cannot be done yet.据我所知,这还不能完成。 The only progress made regarding ZK in Ethereum is verifying a transaction made on the Zcash blockchain.以太坊中 ZK 的唯一进展是验证在 Zcash 区块链上进行的交易。 In other words yes you need to wait for a full implementation.换句话说,是的,您需要等待完整的实现。

Zero Knowledge Proofs are quite possible in Ethereum now.现在在以太坊中零知识证明是完全可能的。 Zokrates, Snarky, Aztec etc. support ZKP implementations based on ZKSnark standard. Zokrates、Snarky、Aztec 等支持基于 ZKSnark 标准的 ZKP 实现。 There will be on-chain verification in the Ethereum Smart Contract for every proof generated off-chain by the Prover.对于证明者在链外生成的每个证明,以太坊智能合约中都会进行链上验证。 We can use the combination of ZK Snarks and Pedersen Commitments in Ethereum in this manner.我们可以通过这种方式在以太坊中结合使用 ZK Snarks 和 Pedersen Commitments。 Recently ING has attempted Bullet Proof model ZK Snarks with no trusted setup on Ethereum.最近 ING 尝试了在以太坊上没有可信设置的 Bullet Proof 模型 ZK Snarks。 As a simple approach you can use Circom and Snarkjs JavaScript libraries as npm modules for generating proofs and verify them on-chain using Smart Contracts and Random Oracles.作为一种简单的方法,您可以使用 Circom 和 Snarkjs JavaScript 库作为 npm 模块来生成证明并使用智能合约和随机预言机在链上验证它们。

Zokrates on Github Github 上的 Zokrates

Semapore on Ethereum以太坊上的 Semapore

Aztec Prtocol阿兹特克协议

Verifiable ZKP Compiler可验证的 ZKP 编译器

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