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[英]Do we have to upload different resolutions icons in unity?

Android requires 5 different resolution of images and ios requires 3 different resolution of images during development. Android在开发期间需要5种不同分辨率的图像,而ios在开发中需要3种不同分辨率的图像。

Does unity requires different resolutions of images while building for android or ios? 在为android或ios进行构建时,统一性需要图像的不同分辨率吗?

The short answer is NO . 简短的答案是“ 否” But it's way more complicated than that. 但这要复杂得多。

On unity, you can always submit your icon once and it will resize to each required size on each platform you'd like to publish your app. 统一而言,您始终可以提交图标一次,并且图标会在您要发布应用的每个平台上重新调整为所需大小。 You can see that on player settings. 您可以在播放器设置上看到这一点。 Build Settings > Player Settings > Icon. 构建设置>播放器设置>图标。 You can also submit your own custom icon for each platform selecting the checkbox "Override for ...", there you can submit different sizes for each platform. 您还可以为每个平台提交自己的自定义图标,选中“覆盖...”复选框,在那里您可以为每个平台提交不同的尺寸。

Now comes the tricky part. 现在是棘手的部分。 During the last four years, I've published 7 games and I ALWAYS had problems with icons on iOS and XCode. 在过去的四年中,我已经发布了7款游戏,而且我在iOS和XCode上的图标始终遇到问题。 When publishing your game to iOS, I never tested the cloud build but whenever you build your game to iOS locally, you'll be prompt with a Xcode file that you have to edit before building for profiling and archiving which will allow you to publish your game to iTunes Connect. 在将游戏发布到iOS时, 我从未测试过云构建,但是每当您在本地将游戏构建到iOS时,系统都会提示您必须先编辑一个Xcode文件,然后再构建以进行概要分析和存档,从而可以发布您的文件游戏到iTunes Connect。 This is the part where I constantly have problems. 这是我经常遇到问题的部分。 I didn't test the new 2017 version but before that, some required icon sizes were not filled correctly so you had to go and drag from your computer. 我没有测试新的2017版本,但在此之前,一些所需的图标尺寸未正确填充,因此您不得不从计算机上拖动。 It's better to be ready to, MAYBE, fill some icon sizes yourself. 最好准备自己填充一些图标大小。

Another thing you might notice is that on store listing, you might have problems with icon sizes too. 您可能会注意到的另一件事是,在商品详情中,图标尺寸也可能会出现问题。 For example: For your google play listing, you'll require a 512x512 icon. 例如:对于您的Google Play列表,您需要512x512图标。 For your iTunes Connect, you'll require a 1024x1024 icon and for Windows Phone, much like apple, you'll require all sorts of icon sizes. 对于iTu​​nes Connect,您将需要一个1024x1024的图标,对于Windows Phone,与Apple一样,您将需要各种图标尺寸。 The same goes for screenshots. 屏幕截图也是如此。

But TL:DR: For Unity, you can always submit your icon once and Unity will resize it for each platform and required size you need. 但是TL:DR:对于Unity,您始终可以提交图标一次,Unity会针对每个平台和所需大小调整其大小。 You can check that under Build Settings > Player Settings > Icon 您可以在构建设置>播放器设置>图标下检查

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