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使用 plotnine 保存高分辨率图像

[英]Saving high-resolution images with plotnine

I'm trying to use plotnine to save a high-resolution png image.我正在尝试使用 plotnine 来保存高分辨率的 png 图像。

With a test dataset, this looks like:使用测试数据集,这看起来像:

from plotnine import *
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np

df = pd.DataFrame()
df['x'] = np.arange(0,10,0.01)
df['y'] = np.sin(df['x'])

p = ggplot(df, aes(x='x',y='y')) + labs(x='x', y='y') + geom_point(size=0.1)
p.save(filename = 'test3.png', height=5, width=5, units = 'in', dpi=1000)

This produces a low-resolution .png file containing my plot, which is not improved when I increase the specified dpi.这会生成一个包含我的绘图的低分辨率 .png 文件,当我增加指定的 dpi 时,它不会得到改善。

I've also tried saving with:我也尝试过保存:

ggsave(plot=p, filename='test.png', dpi=1000)

and replacing dpi=1000 with res=1000 .并将dpi=1000替换为res=1000 This produces identical low-resolution png files.这会产生相同的低分辨率 png 文件。

How can I save my plot at the resolution I want?如何以我想要的分辨率保存我的绘图?

Edit: This bug is resolved in plotnine version 0.3.0.编辑:此错误已在 plotnine 0.3.0 版中解决。 and the above code works correctly.并且上面的代码可以正常工作。

Since this still isn't answered and I just got directed here, too... 既然这还没有回答,我也被引导到这里......

According to @has2k1 (the author of plotnine ), this was a bug and is now resolved. 据@ has2k1(笔者plotnine ),这是一个错误,现在已经得到解决。 This commit looks like it might be the referenced fix. 此提交看起来可能是引用的修复。

To solve the issue, ensure you are using the git version or at least version 0.3.0 . 要解决此问题,请确保您使用的是git版本或至少使用0.3.0版

There is also the possibility to save the matplotlib figure也有可能保存 matplotlib 图

import plotnine as pn

fig, plot = (pn.ggplot()
 + ...

 + pn.theme(panel_background=pn.element_blank())
 + pn.theme(axis_title_y=pn.element_blank())
 + pn.theme(axis_ticks_major_y=pn.element_blank())
 + pn.theme(figure_size=(12, 8))
             ).draw(show=False, return_ggplot=True)

fig.savefig('image.png', dpi=300)

which worked ok for me.这对我来说没问题。

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