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[英]R: Subsetting matrix based on another matrix and running rle

Sample data: 样本数据:

      year <- rep(1980:2015, each = 365) 
      doy <- rep(1:365, times = 36)

      val <- sample(0:1, size = 365*36,replace = TRUE) 
      mat <- as.matrix(cbind(year,doy,val))

mat is data with years, doy and a value column which is either 1 or 0. mat是具有年,doy和值为1或0的值列的数据。

I have another matrix mat1 . 我还有另一个矩阵mat1

      mat1 <- apply(matrix(sample(c(230:365), replace = TRUE, size = 4L * 36L), nrow = 36L), 2L, sort)
      mat1 <- t(apply(mat1, 1, function(x) x[order(x)]))

            [,1] [,2] [,3] [,4]
      [1,]  230  231  233  236
      [2,]  235  238  242  242
      [3,]  236  242  243  246
      [4,]  243  245  247  249
      [5,]  247  248  249  250
      [6,]  249  250  253  263

mat1 also has 36 rows each for corresponding year in mat . mat1mat也有对应于相应年份的36行。 mat1 contains some doy in four columns for each year. mat1每年在四列中包含一些doy。

I want to subset each year from mat using mat1 . 我想每年使用mat1mat mat1mat1 For example, year 1980 in mat is to be subsetted in three groups: 例如,在mat上将1980年分为三类:

      group 1 from 230 till 231 (1st and second column of row 1 from `mat1`)
      group 2 from 232 till 233 (second column + 1 to third column of row 1 from `mat1`)
      group 3 from 234 till 236 (third column + 1 to fourth column of row 1 from `mat1`)

This will give me three vectors for 1980. I want to do an rle on each vector to find the longest consecutive occurrence of 1. Something like 这将为我提供1980年的三个向量。我想对每个向量做一个rle来找出最长的连续出现1。

       group1.rle <- rle(group1)
       group2.rle <- rle(group2)
       group3.rle <- rle(group3)

       max(group1.rle$lengths[group1.rle$values == 1])
       max(group2.rle$lengths[group2.rle$values == 1])
       max(group3.rle$lengths[group3.rle$values == 1])

and then repeat this for all the years mat . 然后重复多年的mat

Thank you. 谢谢。

This might be a little bit overdone, but I got carried away in the tidyverse (who doesn't know that feeling? ;) ) 这可能有点过头了,但是我被tidyverse迷住了(谁不知道那种感觉?


# You might as well go with library(tidyverse)

Code & Explanation 代码与解释

# Preparation
mat <- as.data.frame(mat)
colnames(mat1) <- c("D1", "D2", "D3", "D4")
mat1 <- cbind(year = 1980:2015, mat1)
mat1 <- as.data.frame(mat1)

I name the columns of mat1 , add the column year and turn both mat and mat1 into nice tibble s so I use left_join on them. 我的名字的列mat1 ,添加列year ,把两个matmat1到漂亮tibble这么我使用left_join他们。 This is important to get the right indicator columns for the right years. 这对于获得正确年份的正确指标列很重要。

mat_new <- mat %>% 
  left_join(mat1, by = "year") %>% 
  mutate(group1 = (doy >= D1 & doy <=D2), 
         group2 = (doy >= D2 + 1 & doy <=D3),  
         group3 = (doy >= D3  + 1 & doy <=D4)) 


# A tibble: 13,140 x 10
#     year   doy   val    D1    D2    D3    D4 group1 group2 group3
#    <int> <int> <int> <int> <int> <int> <int>  <lgl>  <lgl>  <lgl>
#  1  1980     1     1   230   231   233   236  FALSE  FALSE  FALSE
#  2  1980     2     0   230   231   233   236  FALSE  FALSE  FALSE
#  3  1980     3     0   230   231   233   236  FALSE  FALSE  FALSE
#  4  1980     4     0   230   231   233   236  FALSE  FALSE  FALSE
#  5  1980     5     1   230   231   233   236  FALSE  FALSE  FALSE
#  6  1980     6     1   230   231   233   236  FALSE  FALSE  FALSE
#  7  1980     7     1   230   231   233   236  FALSE  FALSE  FALSE
#  8  1980     8     0   230   231   233   236  FALSE  FALSE  FALSE
#  9  1980     9     1   230   231   233   236  FALSE  FALSE  FALSE
# 10  1980    10     1   230   231   233   236  FALSE  FALSE  FALSE
# ... with 13,130 more rows

So first join the two tibble and then add group columns whether the doy is in the subset. 因此,首先将两个tibble ,然后添加组列,以确认doy是否在子集中。

mat_new <- mat_new %>% 
  gather(group, indicator, group1:group3) %>% 
  nest(doy, val, indicator) 


# A tibble: 108 x 7
# year    D1    D2    D3    D4  group               data
# <int> <int> <int> <int> <int>  <chr>             <list>
#  1  1980   230   231   233   236 group1 <tibble [365 x 3]>
#  2  1981   235   238   242   242 group1 <tibble [365 x 3]>
#  3  1982   236   242   243   246 group1 <tibble [365 x 3]>
#  4  1983   243   245   247   249 group1 <tibble [365 x 3]>
#  5  1984   247   248   249   250 group1 <tibble [365 x 3]>
#  6  1985   249   250   253   263 group1 <tibble [365 x 3]>
#  7  1986   250   250   255   269 group1 <tibble [365 x 3]>
#  8  1987   255   258   259   269 group1 <tibble [365 x 3]>
#  9  1988   259   259   263   274 group1 <tibble [365 x 3]>
# 10  1989   261   270   273   285 group1 <tibble [365 x 3]>
# ... with 98 more rows

Gather the group columns together and then nest the data. 将组列聚集在一起,然后nest数据。 Now each row contains one year - group combination and the data column stores the columns doy , val and indicator for this particular combination. 现在,每一行包含一年的组组合,并且data列存储此特定组合的doyvalindicator列。 This makes it easier to calculate the rle in the next step for all year - group combinations. 这样就可以更轻松地在下一步中为所有年份-组组合计算rle

mat_new <- mat_new %>% 
 mutate(group.rle = map(data, ~ .x %>% filter(indicator) %>% pull(val) %>% rle), 
        max.group.rle = map_dbl(group.rle, ~max(.x$lengths[.x$values == 1])))


# A tibble: 108 x 9
#     year    D1    D2    D3    D4  group               data group.rle max.group.rle
#    <int> <int> <int> <int> <int>  <chr>             <list>    <list>         <dbl>
#  1  1980   230   231   233   236 group1 <tibble [365 x 3]> <S3: rle>             1
#  2  1981   235   238   242   242 group1 <tibble [365 x 3]> <S3: rle>             2
#  3  1982   236   242   243   246 group1 <tibble [365 x 3]> <S3: rle>             1
#  4  1983   243   245   247   249 group1 <tibble [365 x 3]> <S3: rle>             1
#  5  1984   247   248   249   250 group1 <tibble [365 x 3]> <S3: rle>          -Inf
#  6  1985   249   250   253   263 group1 <tibble [365 x 3]> <S3: rle>             1
#  7  1986   250   250   255   269 group1 <tibble [365 x 3]> <S3: rle>             1
#  8  1987   255   258   259   269 group1 <tibble [365 x 3]> <S3: rle>             2
#  9  1988   259   259   263   274 group1 <tibble [365 x 3]> <S3: rle>          -Inf
# 10  1989   261   270   273   285 group1 <tibble [365 x 3]> <S3: rle>             2
# ... with 98 more rows

With two calls to map we can get the maximum rle for each group. 通过两次调用map我们可以获得每个组的最大rle。 In the first call, each tibble in the data column is filtered by the values stored in the indicator column, then the val column is extracted (with pull ) and then finally rle is applied to these values. 在第一个调用中,使用存储在indicator列中的值过滤data列中的每个tibble ,然后提取出val列(使用pull ),最后将rle应用于这些值。

In the second map call, the rle stored in the group.rle column is filtered by your conditions (only lengths of values 1) and the max is calculated. 在第二个map呼叫时, rle存储在group.rle列由您的条件过滤(仅长度值1的)与max被计算。 As this returns a numeric vector of length 1, I use map_dbl to directly store the result as such. 由于这将返回长度为1的数字向量,因此我使用map_dbl直接将结果存储为此类。

Note, this call will produce warnings, as not all groups contain the value 1 and thus the maximum has no non-missing arguments after the filtering. 请注意,此调用将产生警告,因为并非所有组都包含值1,因此最大值在过滤后没有不丢失的参数。

mat_new  %>% 
  select(year, group, max.group.rle) %>% 
  spread(group, max.group.rle)

# A tibble: 36 x 4
#     year group1 group2 group3
# *  <int>  <dbl>  <dbl>  <dbl>
# 1   1980      1   -Inf      1
# 2   1981      2      1   -Inf
# 3   1982      1   -Inf   -Inf
# 4   1983      1   -Inf      1
# 5   1984   -Inf      1   -Inf
# 6   1985      1   -Inf      2
# 7   1986      1      3      1
# 8   1987      2   -Inf      1
# 9   1988   -Inf   -Inf      2
# 10  1989      2      1      3
# # ... with 26 more rows  

To have a better look at the results, I only select the columns year , group , max.group.rle and then use spread , to spread the groups into separate columns. 为了更好地查看结果,我只选择了yeargroupmax.group.rle列,然后使用spread来将组分布到单独的列中。 Now we have one line per year with the relevant information. 现在,我们每年只有一条线提供相关信息。

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