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过滤RDD时“项目不带参数”-Scala,Apache Spark

[英]“Item does not take parameters” when filtering RDD - scala, Apache Spark

I am working with a csv file in Apache Spark. 我正在使用Apache Spark中的csv文件。 I created the RDD and I want to obtain separate RDDs for each month, so I am filtering by the date, which is expressed as 201601, 201602, etc... 我创建了RDD,我想每月获取单独的RDD,所以我按日期进行过滤,日期表示为201601、201602等。

case class Item(date: String, id: String, classification: String, description: String, algoIndex: String, stratumIndex: String, itemIndex: String, allGmIndex: String, gmRaIndex: String, coicopWeight: String, itemWeight: String, cpihCoicopWeight: String)

val quarter1 = sc.textFile ("examples/Q1.csv")

val q1 = quarter1 map {i => {
        val x = i.split(",")
        Item(x(0), x(1), x(2), x(3), x(4), x(5), x(6), x(7), x(8), x(9), x(10), x(11))

val Jan = q1.filter {x=> x(0) == "201601"}
val Feb = q1.filter {x=> x(0) == "201602"}
val Mar = q1.filter {x=> x(0) == "201603"}

The last three lines cause the error "Item does not take parameters", in relation to the following bit: 关于以下位,最后三行导致错误“项目不带参数”:

{x=> x(0) == ..}

How can I fix this? 我怎样才能解决这个问题? What did I do wrong in my class? 我在课堂上做错了什么? Thank you a lot in advance! 提前非常感谢您! :) :)

You use a case class, so you cannot use apply syntax. 您使用案例类,因此不能使用apply语法。 Use the names you defined: 使用您定义的名称:

q1.filter { x => x.date == "201601" }

or 要么

q1.filter { _.date == "201601" }

Your x s in the function literals are of type Item . 函数文字中的x属于Item类型。 Item does not have an apply(i: Int) method. Item没有apply(i: Int)方法。 Instead, Item has a bunch of named member variables. 相反, Item具有一堆命名成员变量。

Try something like this instead: 尝试这样的事情:

val Jan = q1.filter {x => x.date == "201601"}

It can be abbreviated to: 它可以缩写为:

val Jan = q1.filter (_.date == "201601")

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