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[英]Is it possible to rotate Viewport3D around any of the three axes?

I know that a ModelVisual3D can be rotated around any axis via AxisAngleRotation3D , but is it possible to do the same with Viewport3D that contains 9 ModelVisual3D s, so they are rotated together as if they are one object.. for example I can do this with ModelVisual3D : 我知道一个ModelVisual3D可以通过AxisAngleRotation3D绕任何轴旋转,但是可以对包含9个ModelVisual3D的Viewport3D进行同样的操作,因此它们可以像一个对象一样一起旋转。例如,我可以使用ModelVisual3D

       <EventTrigger RoutedEvent="Viewport3D.Loaded">
                  From="0" To="360" Duration="0:0:10"
                  RepeatBehavior="Forever" />
                  From="0" To="360" Duration="0:0:9"
                  RepeatBehavior="Forever" />

but this presumes that Viewport3D contains only one ModelVisual3D 但这假定Viewport3D仅包含一个ModelVisual3D

Yes, it's possible by containing all GeometryModel3D objects inside a Model3DGroup inside ModelUIElement3D inside ContainerUIElement3D , and then we're able to define the RotateTransform3D in ContainerUIElement3D.Transform : 是的,它可以通过一个包含所有GeometryModel3D一个内部的对象Model3DGroupModelUIElement3DContainerUIElement3D ,然后我们能够定义RotateTransform3DContainerUIElement3D.Transform

                        <RotateTransform3D >
                                <AxisAngleRotation3D  x:Name="myHorizontalRotation" Angle="142.884" Axis="0 1 0"/>

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