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[英]For loops into List comprehensions

I'd like to print any number that appears more than once. 我想打印出现多次的任何数字。 How do I change my for loops into list comprehensions ? 如何将for循环更改为列表推导

from collections import Counter
in1="4 8 0 3 4 2 0 3".split(" ")
for elt in in1:
for value, amount in cnt.items():
    if amount > 1: more_than_one.append(value)

Desirable output: 4 0 3 理想的输出:4 0 3

Instead of counting the values yourself: 不用自己计算值:

in1="4 8 0 3 4 2 0 3".split(" ")
for elt in in1:

You can simply pass in1 to collections.Counter() to do all the counting for you: 您可以简单地将in1传递给collections.Counter()来为您进行所有计数:

cnt = Counter(in1)

As for turning your code into a list comprehension, you can try this: 至于将代码转换为列表理解,您可以尝试以下方法:

from collections import Counter

in1="4 8 0 3 4 2 0 3".split()

cnt = Counter(in1)

print([k for k, v in cnt.items() if v > 1])

Which Outputs: 哪些输出:

['4', '0', '3']

Note: You also don't need to pass " " to split() , since it defaults to white space. 注意:您也无需将" "传递给split() ,因为它默认为空白。

>>> from collections import Counter
>>> text = "4 8 0 3 4 2 0 3"
>>> counts = Counter(text.split())
>>> valid = [k for k in counts if counts[k] > 1]
>>> valid
['4', '0', '3']

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