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[英]Updating database using ajax and php

I'm trying to update my database tinyint to 1 when the checkbox is checked and to 0 when the checkbox is unchecked. 我正在尝试将我的数据库tinyint更新为1(选中该复选框时),将其更新为0(如果取消选中该复选框)。 My Javascript/Ajax code is: 我的Javascript / Ajax代码是:

function emailNextWithAddress(chk,address) {
    var nextEmail, inside_where;
    if(chk.checked === true){
            url: "marca_enviado.php",
            type: "get",
            data: address,
            success: function(){
                nextEmail = document.createElement('input');
                nextEmail.id = address;
                nextEmail.value = address;
                nextEmail.type = 'text';
                nextEmail.name = 'email[]';
                nextEmail.className = 'insemail';
                nextEmail.style.display = 'inline-block';
                inside_where = document.getElementById('addEmail');
            error: function(){
    } else {
            url: "desmarca_enviado.php",
            type: "get",
            data: address,
            success: function(){
                inside_where = document.getElementById(address);
            error: function(){
    return false;

And the php (marca_enviado.php) code which tries to update my database tinyint is: 试图更新我的数据库tinyint的php(marca_enviado.php)代码是:

    include_once 'dbh.php';

    $address = $_GET['address'];

    $updateEnviado = "UPDATE escolas SET Enviado = 1 WHERE id= 'address' ";

    $result = mysqli_query($conn , $updateEnviado);
    include_once 'dbh.php';

    $address = $_GET['address'];

    //-- escape the input data. But be sure to add some validations before this line.
    $address = mysqli_real_escape_string($conn, $address);    

    //-- use "$address" variable there, assuming that variable contains the id
    $updateEnviado = "UPDATE escolas SET Enviado = 1 WHERE id= '$address' ";

    $result = mysqli_query($conn , $updateEnviado);

Hope it helps! 希望能帮助到你!

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