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[英]updating SQL database using ajax and grails

I am working with grails, in springsource tool suite, and I am facing a problem updating the SQL databse. 我正在使用springsource工具套件中的grails,并且在更新SQL数据库时遇到了问题。 In the page, the user is asked to enter details of his property, say address, city etc., and once clicking on button 'save' the details need to be saved in the database. 在页面中,要求用户输入其财产的详细信息,例如地址,城市等,并且一旦单击“保存”按钮,则需要将详细信息保存在数据库中。 Now what I need to do is, dynamically add the input fields (of address, city, etc) to the page, everytime the user clicks on button 'add'. 现在,我需要做的是,每当用户单击“添加”按钮时,就将输入字段(地址,城市等)动态​​添加到页面中。 So because of this, i need to use AJAX to post the data to the server. 因此,因此,我需要使用AJAX将数据发布到服务器。 However, I am having trouble updating it. 但是,我在更新它时遇到了麻烦。 Here is the code of the view(.gsp file)- 这是view(.gsp文件)的代码-

<script type="text/javascript">
var rad1, rad2, button1, button2;
function add() {
var newP = document.createElement("p");
var input1, input2,
area = document.getElementsByTagName("form")[0];
input1 = document.createElement("input");
input1.type = "text";
input1.placeholder = "street";
input1.id = "address";
input2 = document.createElement("input");
input2.type = "text";
input2.placeholder = "city";
input2.id = "city"
<form name='prop' method="post" action="save">
<g:hiddenField name="owners.id"  value="${session.user.id }" /> 
<input type="button"  value="+Add" onclick= "add();" ><br>
<input type="button" name="create" id="save_button" class="save" value="save" />
<script type="text/javascript" src="ajax.js"></script>

Here is what my Ajax code looks like in a separate ajax.js file- 这是我的Ajax代码在单独的ajax.js文件中的样子-

$('#save_button').click(function()  {
var street = $('#address').val();
var city = $('#city').val();

    type: "POST",
    url: "${createLink(controller: 'property', action: 'save')}",
    data: { address: street, city: city },
    success: function(data) {


And here is the code in my property controller(save action)- 这是我的属性控制器中的代码(保存操作)-

def save = {

    def propertyInstance = new Property(params)

    if (propertyInstance.save(flush: true)) {
        flash.message = "Property successfully added."
        redirect(controller:"user", action: "show", id:params.owners.id) 
    else {
        render(view: "create", model: [propertyInstance: propertyInstance, id:params.owners.id])

What am I doing wrong here? 我在这里做错了什么? I am not at all familiar with Ajax, so sorry if its an obvious mistake.. please help. 我对Ajax一点都不熟悉,所以很抱歉,如果这是一个明显的错误,请帮助。

$('#address').val(); and $('#city').val(); $('#city').val(); will get you the value of the first #address or #city element jQuery finds. 将为您获取jQuery找到的第一个#address#city元素的值。 If you want to make, let's say, an array for all the address and city values provided you could do this: 假设您要为所有地址和城市值创建一个数组,可以执行以下操作:

var cities = [];
var addresses = [];

$('#address​​​​').each(function() { 

$('#cities​​​​').each(function() { 

If there's two address and city inputs on the page, the result will look something like this: 如果页面上有两个地址和城市输入,结果将如下所示:

console.log(addresses); // [address1, address2]
console.log(cities); // [city1, city2]

Edit: To reset the fields on submission (or "add" if you change the jQuery selector), you could do this: 编辑:要在提交时重置字段(如果更改jQuery选择器,则重置为“添加”),可以这样做:

$('#save_button').click(function() {
    // ... all your regular ajax stuff ...

    // reset the fields
    // ... and so on until you reset all fields

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