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[英]Iterating a conversion of a string to a float in a scripting file when parsing an old file

I am using a new script (a) to extract information from an old script (b) to create a new file (c). 我正在使用新脚本(a)从旧脚本(b)提取信息以创建新文件(c)。 I am looking for an equal sign in the old script (b) and want to modify the modification script (a) to make it automated. 我正在寻找旧脚本(b)中的等号,并且想要修改修改脚本(a)以使其自动化。

The string is lev1tolev2 'from=e119-b3331l1 mappars="simp:180" targ=enceladus.bi.def.3 km=0.6 lat=(-71.5,90) lon=(220,360)' It is written in python 3. 字符串是lev1tolev2'from = e119-b3331l1 mappars =“ simp:180” targ = enceladus.bi.def.3 km = 0.6 lat =(-71.5,90)lon =(220,360)'用python 3编写。

The current output is fixed at cam2map from=e119-b3331l1 to=rsmap-x map=enc.Ink.map pixres=mpp defaultrange=MAP res=300 minlat=-71.5 maxlat=90 minlon=220 maxlon=360 当前输出固定在cam2map上,从= e119-b3331l1到= rsmap-x map = enc.Ink.map pixres = mpp defaultrange = MAP res = 300 minlat = -71.5 maxlat = 90 minlon = 220 maxlon = 360

Currently, I have the code able to export a string of 0.6 for all of the iterations of lev1tolev2, but each one of these is going to be different. 目前,我的代码能够为lev1tolev2的所有迭代导出字符串0.6,但是每个迭代都会有所不同。

    cam2map = Call("cam2map")
    cam2map.kwargs["from"] = old_lev1tolev2.kwargs["from"]
    cam2map.kwargs["to"] = "rsmap-x"
    cam2map.kwargs["map"] = "enc.Ink.map"
    cam2map.kwargs["pixres"] = "mpp"
    cam2map.kwargs["defaultrange"] = "MAP"
    **cam2map.kwargs["res"] = float((old_lev1tolev2.kwargs["km"]))**
    cam2map.kwargs["minlat"] = lat[0]
    cam2map.kwargs["maxlat"] = lat[1]
    cam2map.kwargs["minlon"] = lon[0]
    cam2map.kwargs["maxlon"] = lon[1]

I have two questions, why is this not converting the string to a float? 我有两个问题,为什么不将字符串转换为浮点数? And, why is this not iterating over all of the lev1tolev2 commands as everything else in the code does? 而且,为什么这不像代码中的其他所有命令一样遍历所有lev1tolev2命令?

The full code is available here. 完整代码可在此处获得。

https://codeshare.io/G6drmk https://codeshare.io/G6drmk

it doesn't seem to clear to me, but from you syntax here : 对我来说似乎还不清楚,但是从您这里的语法:

**cam2map.kwargs["res"] = float((old_lev1tolev2.kwargs["km"]))**

I'd bet that cam2map.kwargs["res"] is a dict, and you thought that it would convert every values in the dict, using the ** syntax. 我敢打赌,cam2map.kwargs [“ res”]是一个字典,而您认为它将使用**语法转换字典中的每个值。 The float built-in should then be called in a loop over the elements of the dict, or possible a list-comprehension as here : 然后,应在dict的元素上循环调用内置的float,或者可能在此处进行列表理解:

cam2map.kwargs["res"] = dict()
for key, value in old_lev1tolev2.kwars["res"].items():
    cam2map.kwargs["res"][key] = float(value)

Edit : Ok so, it seems you took the string 'from=e119-b3331l1 mappars="simp:180" targ=enceladus.bi.def.3 km=0.6 lat=(-71.5,90) lon=(220,360)' And then thought that calling youstring.kwargs would give you a dict, but it won't, you can probably parse it to a dict first, using some lib, or, you use mystring.split('=') and then work your way to a dict first, like that: 编辑:好的,看来您是从字符串'from = e119-b3331l1 mappars =“ simp:180” targ = enceladus.bi.def.3 km = 0.6 lat =(-71.5,90)lon =(220,360)'然后以为调用youstring.kwargs会给你一个dict,但是不会,你可以先使用一些lib将其解析为一个dict,或者使用mystring.split('=')然后再处理你的首先是一个命令,像这样:

output = dict()
for one_bit in lev_1_lev2.split(' '):
    key, value = one_bit.split('=')
    output[key] = value

The problem occurred at a different location in the code. 该问题发生在代码中的其他位置。 def escape_kw_value(value): def escape_kw_value(value):

if not isinstance(value, str):
    return value
elif (value.startswith(('"', "'")) and value.endswith(('"', "'"))):
    return value

# TODO escape the quote with \" or \'
#if value.startswith(('"', "'")) or value.endswith(('"', "'")):
#    return value

if " " in value:
    value = '"{}"'.format(value)
return value

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