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[英]Counting by distinct sub-ArrayType elements in PySpark

I have a following JSON structure: 我有以下JSON结构:

   "stuff": 1, "some_str": "srt", list_of_stuff": [
                  {"element_x":1, "element_y":"22x"}, 
                  {"element_x":3, "element_y":"23x"}
   "stuff": 2, "some_str": "srt2", "list_of_stuff": [
                  {"element_x":1, "element_y":"22x"}, 
                  {"element_x":4, "element_y":"24x"}

When I read it into a PySpark DataFrame as json: 当我将它读入PySpark DataFrame作为json时:

import pyspark.sql
import json
from pyspark.sql import functions as F
from pyspark.sql.types import *

schema = StructType([
       StructField("stuff", IntegerType()),
       StructField("some_str", StringType()),
       StructField("list_of_stuff", ArrayType(
                   StructField("element_x", IntegerType()),
                   StructField("element_y", StringType()),

df = spark.read.json("hdfs:///path/file.json/*", schema=schema)

I get the following: 我得到以下内容:

| stuff  | some_str|    list_of_stuff  |
|   1    |   srt   |  [1,22x], [3,23x] |
|   2    |   srt2  |  [1,22x], [4,24x] |

Seems like PySpark flattens the key names for the ArrayType, although I can still see them when I do df.printSchema() : 好像PySpark展平了ArrayType的键名,尽管我在执行df.printSchema()时仍然可以看到它们:

|-- stuff: integer (nullable = true)
|-- some_str: string (nullable = true)
|-- list_of_stuff: array (nullable = true)
|    |-- element: struct (containsNull = true)
|    |    |-- element_x: integer (nullable = true)
|    |    |-- element_y: string (nullable = true)

Question: I need to count the distinct occurrences of element_y within my DataFrame. 问题:我需要计算DataFrame中element_y的不同出现次数。 So given the example JSON, I would get this output: 因此,以示例JSON为例,我将获得以下输出:

22x: 2, 23x: 1, 24x :1

I am not sure how to get into the ArrayType and count the distinct values of the sub-element element_y . 我不确定如何进入ArrayType并计算子元素element_y的不同值。 Any help appreciated. 任何帮助表示赞赏。

One way to do this could be using rdd , flatten the array with flatMap and then count: 一种方法是使用rdd ,使用flatMap flatten数组,然后计数:

df.rdd.flatMap(lambda r: [x.element_y for x in r['list_of_stuff']]).countByValue()
# defaultdict(<class 'int'>, {'24x': 1, '22x': 2, '23x': 1})

Or using data frame, explode the column first, then you can access element_y in each array; 或使用数据帧时, explode第一列,则可以访问element_y每个阵列中; groupBy the element_y , then count should give the result you need: 通过element_y groupBy ,然后count应该给出您需要的结果:

import pyspark.sql.functions as F
|24x|    1|
|22x|    2|
|23x|    1|

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