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[英]smoothing line with categorical variable with ggplot?

I have a huge data sets and this is a sample. 我有大量的数据集,这是一个示例。

data.frame(basket_size_group = c("[0,2]", "[0,2]", "(2,4]", "(2,4]", "(4,6]"),
       channel = c("offline", "online/mobile", "offline", "online/mobile", "offline"), 
       pct_trips = c(0.004, 0.038, 0.0028, 0.0082, 0.0037))

By using a ggplot2 , I would like to plot smoothing line with the data. 通过使用ggplot2 ,我想用数据绘制平滑线。 Xaxis is the basket_size_group , yaxis is pct_trips , channel is a group in ggplot2 . x轴是basket_size_group ,y轴是pct_tripschannel是在一个组ggplot2 The problem is that basket_size_group is a categorical variable. 问题在于basket_size_group是一个分类变量。 How to create smoothing lines by channel with ggplot2 ? 如何使用ggplot2channel创建平滑线?

If you want to use a loess smooth you will need some more data. 如果要使用光滑的黄土,则需要更多数据。 As it sits stat_smooth() will fail with the error: 坐到stat_smooth()将失败,并显示以下错误:

Computation failed in `stat_smooth()`:
NA/NaN/Inf in foreign function call (arg 5)

Unless you specify method = "lm" . 除非您指定method = "lm"

You also have to be explicit with the stat_smooth() layer and define that group = channel . 您还必须明确地使用stat_smooth()层并定义group = channel You could do that in the top layer too, but without it stat_smooth will try to use x and color to do its group summarizing. 您也可以在顶层执行此操作,但是如果没有它, stat_smooth将尝试使用xcolor进行组汇总。

# factor it to plot in order
dat$basket_size_group <- factor(dat$basket_size_group, levels = c("[0,2]", "(2,4]", "(4,6]"))

ggplot(dat, aes(basket_size_group, pct_trips, color = channel)) +
    geom_point() +
    stat_smooth(aes(group = channel), method = "lm")


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