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[英]Declare self in another class in Swift

public class CustomSelectFields: UIViewController, UIPickerViewDelegate, UIPickerViewDataSource {
    let cities = ["city1", "city2"]
    let selectiveTextField = UITextField()
    let pickerView = UIPickerView()

    //normally it will get array of cities and frame position

    public func CreateCustomSelectField() -> UITextField {

        selectiveTextField.frame = CGRect(x: ScreenSize.width * 0.1, y: ScreenSize.height * 0.4, width: ScreenSize.width * 0.8, height: ScreenSize.height * 0.1)
        selectiveTextField.placeholder = "Placehoder"
        selectiveTextField.inputView = pickerView

        //should i declare delegates and datasoruce here?
        pickerView.delegate = self
        pickerView.dataSource = self

        return selectiveTextField

    public func numberOfComponents(in pickerView: UIPickerView) -> Int {
        return 1

    public func pickerView(_ pickerView: UIPickerView, numberOfRowsInComponent component: Int) -> Int {
        return cities.count

    public func pickerView(_ pickerView: UIPickerView, titleForRow row: Int, forComponent component: Int) -> String? {
        return cities[row]

    public func pickerView(_ pickerView: UIPickerView, didSelectRow row: Int, inComponent component: Int) {
        selectiveTextField.text = cities[row]


I'm trying to create a custom UIPickerView and i want it to use in another classes. 我试图创建一个自定义的UIPickerView,我希望它可以在另一个类中使用。 When I declare it's delegate and datasource in the same class, data are not showing up. 当我在同一类中声明它的委托和数据源时,没有显示数据。

Also I try to declare in the class which is i use for viewController Like this: 我也尝试在用于viewController的类中声明如下:

let textField = customElements.CreateCustomSelectField()
customElements.pickerView.delegate = ??
customElements.pickerView.dataSource = ??


How can I accomplish this delegate & datasource issue? 如何解决此委托和数据源问题?

Your design and your code are garbled. 您的设计和代码是乱码。 You've defined a class, CustomSelectFields , that looks like you want it to manage a text field and a picker view. 您已经定义了一个类CustomSelectFields ,它看起来像您希望它来管理文本字段和选择器视图。 Then you have a method, CreateCustomSelectField , that sounds like a convenience initializer for your CustomSelectFields class. 然后,您有一个方法CreateCustomSelectField ,它听起来像CustomSelectFields类的便捷初始化程序。 However, it's actually an instance method that configures and returns a UITextField that belongs to the CustomSelectFields class. 但是,它实际上是配置并返回属于CustomSelectFields类的UITextField的实例方法。

Your CustomSelectFields class conforms to the UIPickerViewDelegate and UIPickerViewDataSource protocols, which suggests that you intend it to act as the delegate for the picker view. 您的CustomSelectFields类符合UIPickerViewDelegateUIPickerViewDataSource协议,这建议您打算让它充当选择器视图的委托。 If that's the case, the CustomSelectFields class should have an initializer that creates the picker view and text field and configures them initially. 在这种情况下, CustomSelectFields类应该具有一个初始化程序,该初始化程序创建选择器视图和文本字段并进行初始配置。

Something like this: 像这样:

public class CustomSelectFields: UIViewController, UIPickerViewDelegate, UIPickerViewDataSource {

  let cities = ["city1", "city2"]
  let selectiveTextField: UITextField
  let pickerView: UIPickerView

  init() {
    selectiveTextField = UITextField()
    selectiveTextField.frame = CGRect(x: ScreenSize.width * 0.1, 
      y: ScreenSize.height * 0.4, 
      width: ScreenSize.width * 0.8, 
      height: ScreenSize.height * 0.1)
    selectiveTextField.placeholder = "Placehoder" //Hodor! HODOR!
    selectiveTextField.inputView = pickerView

    pickerView.delegate = self
    pickerView.dataSource = self

    pickerView = UIPickerView()
    pickerView.delegate = self
    pickerView.dataSource = self

But even still, having a class that creates and configures view objects - but doesn't display or manage them - is kind of odd. 但即使如此,拥有一个创建和配置视图对象(但不显示或管理它们)的类也很奇怪。

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