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[英]Dijkstra algorithm in weighted graph in Java with big graph

My task is to write a program to calculate shortest time it takes to go from node A(start) to node B(end) on a weighted graph(I'm using dijkstra algorithm). 我的任务是编写一个程序,计算加权图中从节点A(起点)到节点B(终点)所需的最短时间(我正在使用dijkstra算法)。 Time requirement is 2 seconds on memory limit is 64 MB and I can assume that entered data is valid 时间要求为2秒,内存限制为64 MB,我可以假定输入的数据有效
First line has 4 whole numbers: 第一行有4个整数:
Amount of nodes M(2 ≤ M ≤ 20000) 节点数M(2≤M≤20000)
Amount of edges(connections) N(0 ≤ N ≤ 50000) 边(连接)数量N(0≤N≤50000)
Start node A(0 ≤ A < M) and end node O (0 ≤ O < M). 起始节点A(0≤A <M),结束节点O(0≤O <M)。

Next N lines has connection info represented with three whole numbers: 接下来的N行具有以三个整数表示的连接信息:
connected computers and the time between them in milliseconds(edge weight). 连接的计算机及其之间的时间,以毫秒(边缘权重)为单位。 My code doesn't pass all the tests. 我的代码未通过所有测试。 If i test my code with a big graph then it fails as heap memory runs out(about 900MB on my machine). 如果我用一个大图测试我的代码,那么它将失败,因为堆内存用完了(我的机器上大约900MB)。
My problem : How do i optimize my code so it fits into requirements? 我的问题 :如何优化代码以使其符合要求?
Would using adjacency list be enough? 使用邻接表就足够了吗?
My code is this: 我的代码是这样的:

import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Scanner;

public class Route3 {
  public static int minDistance(ArrayList<Long> mindist, ArrayList<Boolean> visited){
    long min = Long.MAX_VALUE;
    int minindex = -1;
    for (int i = 0; i < mindist.size(); i++) {
        if(!visited.get(i) && (mindist.get(i) <= min)) {
            min = mindist.get(i);
            minindex = i;
    return minindex;
public static long dijkstra(long[][] graph, int start, int end) {
    int computers = graph.length;
    ArrayList<Boolean> traversed = new ArrayList<>(); //Hold traversed nodes
    for (int i = 0; i < computers; i++) {
    ArrayList<Long> mindist = new ArrayList<>(); //Holds mindistances to nodes based on index
    for (int i = 0; i < computers; i++) {

    for (int i = 0; i < computers; i++) {
        int min = minDistance(mindist,traversed);
        if(min == -1) return mindist.get(end);
        if(min == end) return mindist.get(min) == Long.MAX_VALUE ? -1 : mindist.get(min); //Error check
        for (int j = 0; j < computers; j++) {
            if(!traversed.get(j) && graph[min][j] != 0 && mindist.get(min) + graph[min][j] < mindist.get(j)) {
                mindist.set(j,(mindist.get(min) + graph[min][j]));


    return mindist.get(end) == Long.MAX_VALUE ? -1 : mindist.get(end);
public static void main(String[] args){
    Scanner in = new Scanner(System.in);
    int computers = in.nextInt(); //nodes
    int connections = in.nextInt(); //edges
    int start = in.nextInt();
    int end = in.nextInt();

    long[][] graph = new long[computers+1][computers+1];

    for (int i = 0; i < connections; i++) {
        int x = in.nextInt();
        int y = in.nextInt();
        long t = in.nextLong();
        graph[x][y] = t;
        graph[y][x] = t;
    if(connections == 0) {
    long dist = dijkstra(graph,start,end);
    if(dist != -1) System.out.println(dist);
    else System.out.println(-1);

All help is appreciated! 感谢所有帮助!

I think that you'll have to find a better way to hold the graph information. 我认为您必须找到一种更好的方法来保存图形信息。 This line: 这行:

long[][] graph = new long[computers+1][computers+1]

could take up to 20001*20001*8 bytes, that is 3GB! 最多可能占用20001 * 20001 * 8个字节,即3GB!

As your net has few connections per node I'd suggest storing the graph as a HashMap of HashMaps of connections: 由于您的网络每个节点的连接数很少,因此建议将图形存储为连接的HashMaps的HashMap:

class Connection {
    int nodeA, nodeB;
    long time;

HashMap<Integer, HashMap<Integer, Connection>> graph;

It may sound less efficient, but you are saving all the blank edges. 听起来效率较低,但是您要保存所有空白边缘。 Then you add the Connection to the graph indexed by both nodes (nodeA and nodeB): 然后将Connection添加到由两个节点(nodeA和nodeB)索引的图形中:

void addConnection(Connection c)
   HashMap<Integer, Connection> subgraph = graph.get(c.nodeA);
   if(subgraph == null)
       subgraph = new HashMap<>();
   subgraph.put(c.nodeB, c);

   HashMap<Integer, Connection> subgraph = graph.get(c.nodeB);
   if(subgraph == null)
       subgraph = new HashMap<>();
   subgraph.put(c.nodeA, c);

And retrieve the connection descriptor like: 并检索连接描述符,例如:

long getConnection(int nodeA, int nodeB)
    ArrayList<Connection> subgraph = graph.get(nodeA);
    if(subgraph == null)
        return 0L;
    Connection c = subgraph.get(nodeB);
    if(c == null)
        return 0L;
    return c.time;

This should make your program slower but much more memory efficient. 这将使您的程序变慢,但内存效率更高。

WARNING: The code is not tested, it's just for clarification. 警告:该代码未经测试,仅供参考。

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