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[英]Linear Regression: How to find the distance between the points and the prediction line?

I'm looking to find the distance between the points and the prediction line. 我想找到点和预测线之间的距离。 Ideally I would like the results to be displayed in a new column which contains the distance, called 'Distance'. 理想情况下,我希望结果显示在包含距离的新列中,称为“距离”。

My Imports: 我的进口:

import os.path
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from sklearn import preprocessing
from sklearn.linear_model import LinearRegression
%matplotlib inline 

Sample of my data: 我的数据样本:

idx  Exam Results  Hours Studied
0       93          8.232795
1       94          7.879095
2       92          6.972698
3       88          6.854017
4       91          6.043066
5       87          5.510013
6       89          5.509297

My code so far: 我的代码到目前为止:

x = df['Hours Studied'].values[:,np.newaxis]
y = df['Exam Results'].values

model = LinearRegression()
model.fit(x, y)

plt.scatter(x, y,color='r')
plt.plot(x, model.predict(x),color='k')


Any help would be greatly appreciated. 任何帮助将不胜感激。 Thanks 谢谢

You simply need to assign the difference between y and model.predict(x) to a new column (or take absolute value if you just want the magnitude if the difference): 您只需要将ymodel.predict(x)之间的差异分配给一个新列(如果只是想要差异,则采用绝对值):

#df["Distance"] = abs(y - model.predict(x))  # if you only want magnitude
df["Distance"] = y - model.predict(x)
#   Exam Results  Hours Studied  Distance
#0            93       8.232795 -0.478739
#1            94       7.879095  1.198511
#2            92       6.972698  0.934043
#3            88       6.854017 -2.838712
#4            91       6.043066  1.714063
#5            87       5.510013 -1.265269
#6            89       5.509297  0.736102

This is because your model predicts a y (dependent variable) for each independent variable ( x ). 这是因为您的模型为每个自变量( x )预测y (因变量)。 The x coordinates are the same, so the difference in y is the value you want. x坐标是相同的,因此y的差异是您想要的值。

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