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[英]How to set Fade in or Fade out on <a-sky>

Is possible to add fade in or fade out animations on a sky in aframe? 是否可以在框架中添加淡入或淡出动画?

How can I add animations when the user hovers their cursor over the ball? 当用户将光标悬停在球上时,如何添加动画?

In this example when you hover your mouse, the background will change but w/o animations. 在此示例中,当您将鼠标悬停时,背景将更改,但没有动画。

 AFRAME.registerComponent('set-sky', { schema: { default: '' }, init() { const sky = document.querySelector('a-sky'); this.el.addEventListener('click', () => { sky.setAttribute('src', this.data); }); } }); 
 <script src="https://rawgit.com/aframevr/aframe/b813db0614ac2b518e547105e810b5b6eccfe1c8/dist/aframe.min.js"></script> <a-scene> <a-camera position="0 2 4"> <a-cursor color="#4CC3D9" fuse="true" timeout="10"></a-cursor> </a-camera> <a-sphere color="#F44336" radius="1" position="-4 2 0" set-sky="https://c3.staticflickr.com/2/1475/26239222850_cabde81c39_k.jpg"></a-sphere> <a-sphere color="#FFEB3B" radius="1" position="4 2 0" set-sky="https://c2.staticflickr.com/2/1688/25044226823_53c979f8a1_k.jpg"></a-sphere> <a-sky></a-sky> </a-scene> 

try to add this: 尝试添加以下内容:

  sky.setAttribute("style", "-webkit-animation:opac 6s linear forwards";
  sky.setAttribute("style", "animation:opac 6s linear forwards";
  @-webkit-keyframes opac {
      0% {opacity: 0;}
      100% {opacity: 1;}
  @keyframes opac {
      0% {opacity: 0;}
      100% {opacity: 1;}

I wouldn't use CSS as demonstrated in the answer above. 我不会使用上面答案中所示的CSS。 A-Frame generally doesn't use CSS, but relies on its own display components and properties. A-Frame通常不使用CSS,而是依靠其自己的显示组件和属性。

You can fade by animating the material.opacity of the <a-sky> primitive. 您可以通过设置<a-sky>原语的material.opacity动画来淡化。 This can be done either by using the A-Frame core <a-animation> , or the aframe-animation-component , which seems to be becoming the standard. 这可以通过使用A-Frame核心<a-animation>aframe-animation-component ,这似乎已成为标准。

If you use the aframe-animation-component , which I recommend, you could set up your <a-sky> like this: 如果使用我推荐的aframe-animation-component ,则可以这样设置<a-sky>

 <a-sky src="#sky-1"
     animation__fadein="startEvents: fadein; property: material.opacity; from: 0; to: 1; dur: 1000;"
     animation__fadeout="startEvents: fadeout; property: material.opacity; from: 1; to: 0; dur: 1000;"></a-sky>

Then within your custom component, you would trigger the startEvents for each animation using emit (eg, sky.emit('fadein') ). 然后,在您的自定义组件中,您将使用emit (例如, sky.emit('fadein') )为每个动画触发startEvents

I forked your code and made a few changes: 我分叉了您的代码并进行了一些更改:

  • Updated A-Frame version to the official release 将A-Frame版本更新为正式版本
  • Uploaded sky images to a CDN to avoid CORS issues 将天空图像上传到CDN以避免CORS问题
  • Defined aforementioned images as assets for better loading 将上述图像定义为资产以更好地加载
  • Set a default image for <a-sky> <a-sky>设置默认图像
  • Added the aframe-animation-component 添加了aframe-animation-component
  • Converted ES6 features such as const and arrow functions to var and function , respectively, for better compatibility (to rule out any misbehaving) 将ES6功能(例如const和arrow函数)分别转换为varfunction ,以实现更好的兼容性(排除任何异常行为)
  • Used setTimeout in your custom set-sky component to time the animations. 在自定义set-sky组件中使用setTimeout set-sky动画时间。 Although, you may want to depend on events instead, which can get more complicated with multiple listeners. 虽然,您可能想依赖于事件,但使用多个侦听器会使事件变得更加复杂。 I just wanted to give you a rudimentary example. 我只是想给你一个简单的例子。

Here is the modified demo: https://codepen.io/dansinni/pen/gzbpWy 这是修改后的演示: https : //codepen.io/dansinni/pen/gzbpWy

There's actually also an example right on the A-Frame site that does pretty much what you're looking to do: https://aframe.io/examples/showcase/360-image-gallery/ 实际上,在A-Frame网站上也有一个示例,它可以完成您想要做的事情: https : //aframe.io/examples/showcase/360-image-gallery/

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