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[英]ReLU derivative with NumPy

import numpy as np

def relu(z):
    return np.maximum(0,z)

def d_relu(z):
    return z

print("y = {}".format(y))
print("z = {}".format(z))

The code above prints out: 上面的代码输出:

y = [1 1 0 0]
z = [1 1 0 0]

instead of 代替

y = [5 1 0 0]
z = [1 1 0 0]

From what I understand the function calls I've used should only be doing passing by value,passing a copy of the variable. 据我了解,我使用过的函数调用只应该按值传递,传递变量的副本。

Why is my d_relu function affecting the y variable? 为什么我的d_relu函数会影响y变量?

Your first mistake is in assuming python passes objects by value... it doesn't - it's pass by assignment (similar to passing by reference, if you're familiar with this concept). 您的第一个错误是假设python按值传递对象...否-而是按赋值传递(如果您熟悉此概念,则类似于按引用传递)。 However, only mutable objects, as the name suggests, can be modified in-place. 但是,仅顾名思义,可变对象可以就地修改。 This includes, among other things, numpy arrays. 其中包括numpy数组。

You shouldn't have d_relu modify z inplace, because that's what it's doing right now, through the z[...] = ... syntax. 您不应该d_relu就地修改z ,因为这就是现在通过z[...] = ...语法所做的。 Try instead building a mask using broadcasted comparison and returning that instead. 尝试使用广播比较构建遮罩,然后返回该遮罩。

def d_relu(z):
    return (z > 0).astype(int)

This returns a fresh array instead of modifying z in-place, and your code prints 这将返回一个新数组,而不是就地修改z ,并且您的代码会打印

y = [5 1 0 0]
z = [1 1 0 0]

If you're building a layered architecture, you can leverage the use of a computed mask during the forward pass stage: 如果您要构建分层体系结构,则可以在前向通过阶段利用计算出的蒙版:

class relu:
    def __init__(self):
        self.mask = None

    def forward(self, x):
        self.mask = x > 0
        return x * self.mask

    def backward(self, x):
        return self.mask

Where the derivative is simply 1 if the input during feedforward if > 0, else 0. 如果前馈期间的输入> 0,则导数简单为1,否则为0。

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