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[英]Error when using calibrate function for ols model fitted in rms package

I am attempting to use the rms package in R to evaluate the predictive accuracy of a linear model but am having difficulties with producing a calibration plot for some reason. 我试图在R使用rms package来评估线性模型的预测精度,但是由于某些原因,在生成校准图时遇到了困难。

Specifically, I receive the error message: "Error in !fail : invalid argument type" when using calibrate() 具体来说,当我使用calibrate()时,我收到错误消息: "Error in !fail : invalid argument type"

Here is a simple reproducible example to demonstrate my problem: 这是一个简单的可复制示例来演示我的问题:

> library(rms)
> library(MASS)
> data(whiteside)
> w.Before <- whiteside[whiteside$Insul=="Before",]
# For comparability with an example in MASS.
> dd <- datadist(w.Before)
> options(datadist="dd")

> mod1 <- ols(Gas ~ Temp,data=w.Before,
> mod1
            Coef    S.E.   t      Pr(>|t|)
 Intercept  6.8538 0.1184  57.88 <0.0001 
 Temp      -0.3932 0.0196 -20.08 <0.0001

# ols() estimates the coefficients correctly

# Five-fold cross-validation for this model fit:
> validate(mod1,bw=FALSE,method="crossvalidation",B=5)
           index.orig training    test optimism index.corrected n
 R-square      0.9438   0.9431  0.8460   0.0971          0.8467 5
 MSE           0.0731   0.0709  0.0929  -0.0220          0.0951 5
 g             1.2791   1.2664  1.2222   0.0442          1.2349 5
 Intercept     0.0000   0.0000 -0.1661   0.1661         -0.1661 5
 Slope         1.0000   1.0000  1.0360  -0.0360          1.0360 5

# try using default argument options:
> calibrate(mod1)
Error in !fail : invalid argument type

# try using some arguments specific to the fitted ols object:
> calibrate(mod1,predy=median(w.Before$Gas),method="crossvalidation",B=5)
Error in !fail : invalid argument type

I have done some rudimentary debugging (below) - perhaps this might provide a clue? 我已经完成了一些基本的调试工作(如下)-也许这可以提供一个线索?

mod1 <- ols(Gas ~ Temp,data=w.Before,

# Switch on debug argument:
> calibrate(mod1, debug = TRUE)

Subscripts of training sample:
 [1]  3  9 15 22 21  4  7 22  8  5 11 10 25  4 10  5 18 23  6  1 19 10  9  6 22 25

Subscripts of test sample:
 [1]  1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26

Error in !fail : invalid argument type
> traceback()
3: predab.resample(fit, method = method, fit = fitit, measure = cal.error, 
   pr = pr, B = B, bw = bw, rule = rule, type = type, sls = sls, 
   aics = aics, force = force, estimates = estimates, non.slopes.in.x = 
model == 
       "ol", smoother = smoother, predy = predy, model = model, 
   kint = kint, penalty.matrix = penalty.matrix, ...)
2: calibrate.default(mod1, debug = TRUE)
1: calibrate(mod1, debug = TRUE)

> options(error = recover)
> calibrate(mod1)
Error in !fail : invalid argument type

Enter a frame number, or 0 to exit   

1: calibrate(mod1)
2: calibrate.default(mod1)
3: predab.resample(fit, method = method, fit = fitit, measure = cal.error, pr = p

Selection: 3
Called from: calibrate.default(mod1)

# Entering object names in predab.resample function from last object in this function until I find an error / missing or suspect values:
Browse[1]> res                      
Error during wrapup: object 'res' not found

Browse[1]> varin                                                            
Error during wrapup: object 'varin' not found

Browse[1]> index.orig
 [1] -0.0146323 -0.0095743 -0.0052462 -0.0023136  0.0004922  0.0032980  0.0061038
 [8]  0.0081017  0.0111468  0.0147536  0.0183605  0.0219674  0.0255743  0.0291812
 [15]  0.0346582  0.0427575  0.0513092  0.0584638  0.0626379  0.0668120  0.0709861
 [22]  0.0751603  0.0793344  0.0832308  0.0830547  0.0828785  0.0827024  0.08 25263
 [29]  0.0823502  0.0821740  0.0819979  0.0818218  0.0816456  0.0814695  0.0812934
 [36]  0.0820341  0.0833151  0.0845299  0.0857447  0.0858007  0.0842924  0.0827842
 [43]  0.0801835  0.0750078  0.0698321  0.0646565  0.0591428  0.0513195  0.0434962
 [50]  0.0356728
 [1] 3.851 3.893 3.935 3.976 4.017 4.057 4.098 4.137 4.178 4.219 4.261 4.302 4.343
 [14] 4.385 4.428 4.474 4.520 4.565 4.607 4.649 4.691 4.732 4.774 4.816 4.854 4.891
 [27] 4.929 4.966 5.004 5.041 5.079 5.116 5.154 5.191 5.229 5.267 5.306 5.345 5.384
[40] 5.422 5.458 5.494 5.530 5.562 5.595 5.627 5.659 5.689 5.719 5.749

Browse[1]> optimism      
Error during wrapup: object 'optimism' not found

Hopefully this provides some clue. 希望这可以提供一些线索。 Can someone please help me to resolve this error, and ideally, obtain the calibration plot for this ols model? 有人可以帮助我解决此错误,理想情况下,可以获取此ols模型的校准图吗?

Thanks, in advance. 提前致谢。

Ross. 罗斯

I was getting the same error and after poking around on Github, discovered that it's a known issue. 我遇到了同样的错误,并在Github上闲逛后发现这是一个已知问题。

https://github.com/harrelfe/rms/issues/61 https://github.com/harrelfe/rms/issues/61

Looks like there was a commit that fixes the issue back in April, but an updated package hasn't yet been published to CRAN. 看起来有一个提交可以在4月解决此问题,但是尚未将更新的程序包发布到CRAN。

https://github.com/harrelfe/rms/commit/6bcaee45455c0e0c4ec163cd1ac325010f7648fa https://github.com/harrelfe/rms/commit/6bcaee45455c0e0c4ec163cd1ac325010f7648fa

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