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[英]Get-ADUser Check for conflicting proxyAddresses

Currently I have a script that creates user accounts. 目前,我有一个创建用户帐户的脚本。

Note: Not all users have the same UPN (UserPrincipalName) 注意:并非所有用户都具有相同的UPN(UserPrincipalName)

User accounts are in the following format: <firstinit><lastname> . 用户帐户的格式如下: <firstinit><lastname>

If this conflicts, the format will be changed to: <firstinit><middleinit><lastname> 如果这冲突,则格式将更改为: <firstinit><middleinit><lastname>

Recently I have ran into an issue where the user's proxyAddress is conflicting with existing users. 最近,我遇到了一个问题,其中用户的proxyAddress与现有用户冲突。 This is a problem because AD will not catch this. 这是一个问题,因为AD无法捕获此问题。

Issue: 问题:

Checking every AD-User 's proxy address is very time consuming if not included in the filter. 如果未包含在过滤器中,则检查每个AD-User的代理地址非常耗时。 However, when including proxyAddresses in the filter the results are inconsistent. 但是,当在过滤器中包含proxyAddresses ,结果将不一致。 I am assuming this is because the proxyAddresses attribute is an array. 我假设这是因为proxyAddresses属性是一个数组。

Inconsistent : 不一致

Import-Module ActiveDirectory
$FirstLast = "jrider@ChuckNorrisKills.com"

$conflictCheck = Get-ADUser -Properties mail, proxyAddresses -Filter "mail -eq '$FirstLast' -or UserPrincipalName -eq '$FirstLast' -or proxyAddresses -eq `"smtp:'$FirstLast'`"" | measure
if($conflictCheck.Count -gt 0)
    Write-Host "New user conflicts with existing user" -ForegroundColor Red 

I have come up with a solution that will resolve me issue. 我想出了一个可以解决我问题的解决方案。 Unfortunately this is very slow (expected): 不幸的是,这非常慢(预期):

Import-Module ActiveDirectory
function Test-NewADUser
    [bool]$proxExsists = $false

    $domain = '@chuckNorrisKills.com'    
    $FirstLast = $firstname.Substring(0,1)+$lastname+$domain
    Get-ADUser -Filter * -Properties proxyAddresses | foreach {
            #xpand the proxy address and iterate through it
            foreach($address in $_.proxyAddresses)
                #As you can see this goes through every user
                Write-Host "Address: " $address -ForegroundColor Yellow                
                if($address -eq "smtp:$FirstLast")
                    Write-Host "Found Conflict" -ForegroundColor Red
                    $proxExsists = $true

Test-NewADUser -firstname jack -lastname Rider

Question(s): 问题:

  1. Is there a way to expand proxyAddresses and check for conflicts in the -Filter ? 有没有一种办法,扩大proxyAddresses ,并检查在冲突-Filter
  2. If not, should I bother with Jobs, or an alternate way of checking for conflicts? 如果不是,我应该打扰乔布斯,还是检查冲突的另一种方法?

Thank you in advance for any help 预先感谢您的任何帮助

You don't need to expand it, as the proxyAddress filter should be reliable. 您不需要扩展它,因为proxyAddress过滤器应该是可靠的。

So, this should be very straightforward: 因此,这应该非常简单:

function Validate-proxyAddress($email)

    if (Get-ADUser -Filter "proxyAddresses -eq 'smtp:$email'")
        return $true
    elseif (Get-ADUser -Filter "mail -eq '$email'")
        return $true
    elseif (Get-ADUser -Filter "UserPrincipalName -eq '$email'")
        return $true

    return $false

or you can join it all in one like your code, hasn't tested it, so if you get false, the user not exist, should be ok to continue... 或者您可以像代码一样将其全部加入,但尚未对其进行测试,因此,如果您得到的是假,则表明该用户不存在,应该可以继续...

Also, you can use -like instead of -eq if you need (in cases where missing the smtp prefix somehow): 另外,如果需要,可以使用-like而不是-eq (在某种程度上缺少smtp前缀的情况下):

"proxyAddresses -like '*$email*'"

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